
Friday, 30 November 2007

All Lit Up

Mom was out on Monday putting up the outdoor lights. We were inside sunning ourselves watching out for her.

Well, she wanted to see how they looked all lit up,so she dug out the extention cord and connected it and plugged them in. I'm not sure why she waited until last night to go out and take pictures. It was a bit rainy ! I gave up trying to figure Mom out years ago :) (Heehee)
Daytime on Monday

Last night.

Glowing lights

Hemlock boughs

See the wet deck?

The only thing Mom does not like about these LED lights is that there are too many yellow and orange. She thinks they look more like fiesta lights than Christmas lights.

Picky,picky,picky Mom! But then, I'm a cat,what do I know ?

Thursday, 29 November 2007

T 13-Expressive Faces # 8

It's Thursday again and that means more Cats!!! Enjoy this week's selections .


Eric & Flynn (can't pick one)

Tybalt with Holly & Ivy

Tigger (FBI Cat)


Dr Tweety

Bonus Picture: Fiona & Orlando

I need to put this picture in because winter is coming and it's getting cold. Heehee!


Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Lots of Toes & Some Tummy

Toes, toes,toes. We got lots of toes. Georgia has lots too,heeheehee! Ahem. We've got Mickey toes, Georgia toes and Tillie toes. So, enjoy the toe fest!!

Oh wait , I discovered that if I close my eyes,my face disappears!!!! Cool!!!

My fine toes :)
Georgia of the many toes.

Pretty tortie toes!

It takes her longer to get her nails done,hahaha!!

Tillie and her tummy lounging on the porch.Front paw. Dainty. (she made me say that )Back paws.Tillie cleaning her round tummy, that's a big job,heehee. Mickey!! That's enough!!

Guess Mom dosen't like it when I editorialize. Heeheehee.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Mancat Monday

Let's kick off Mancat Monday by showing off my fine Mancat profile.

Now I'm guarding the door. While the weather outside is somewhat warm,Mom decided to put up the outdoor Christmas lights. I'm keeping an eye on her.

I'm still not sure why Mom does this,but it makes her happy.

I hope she remembers to pick some grass for me. It's still growing outside.

MOM!!!!!!!! Don't forget my grass!!!!!

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Easy Like Sunday

Nothing like a sunny Sunday on the porch,especially when I'm in Tillie's favourite box!
Georgia might have my favourite box, but this one is bigger.
I think I'll just hang out here, away from Tillie and Georgia.
After all, it's a big porch.


Saturday, 24 November 2007

Photo Hunt - HOT

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : HOT defines HOT as : having or giving off heat; having a high temperature: a hot fire; hot coffee. Not bad. This is how I define HOT.

Sunshine + Black Mickey furs = HOT
Sunshine + black Tillie furs = HOT

Friday, 23 November 2007

Water Woes


What is it Tillie?

I need new water. I think Georgia put something in here.

What?? I didn't do anything!
Heehee !

Now you know why I spend my time on the computer!
Those girls are always picking at each other.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

T13-Expressive Faces # 7

I would like to wish all my American friends




Queen Snickers


Jake & Puff


The Bonus Picture this week is of a very special cat. As a result of a terrible accident when she was very young, she has lost a leg and her eyelids,nose and the furs on her face. She is a very loving cat and is also a much loved cat. Furthermore,this sweet girl is very giving and is now a Therapy Cat with Paws for Friendship. She visits with Special Education Students. She is new to blogging so if you have not yet met her, please go over and give her a big Welcome!

Introducing : Chase

Please also visit Paws for Friendship