
Tuesday 22 January 2008

Toes and Meme

As this is Tuesday,I thought I would show off my toes.

As you can see,I am cleaning them so they look good .

I was tagged for this meme by the very cute Fiona.

This meme was created by the charming cats at

The rules are: you have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to

Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.

What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?

1. I would love to go outdoors exploring everywhere. I would even like to chase a squirrel just to see him run. Mind, I've never seen one walk, heehee ;)

2. I would love to find a field of sweet grass and flowers and roll around in it and eat it till my hearts content. Mmmmm,grass! Best of all,no Mom to take plants away ;)

3. I would love to have a huge castle where all my friends in the blogosphere could run up & down stairs, climb curtains, run down long tables and just have fun, fun, fun!!!!! We could just go wild!

I tag: Monty Q , Pyewacket , Golden and Sammy & Miles ( you can do it together if you like )

So who cares if I can't count? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!


  1. These sound like very fun things to do! Mommy loves your very pink toesies, she said that our big sis angel kitty Missy had black toesies too.


  2. You should git a stroller - then you can experience da great out-of-doors safely!

  3. Fabulous toes, Mickey! :) We like the three things that you would do. Running through a castle would be so much fun! :)

  4. All of those things sound delightful to me!

  5. psssst, we can help yoo wiv #1 and 2 if you want to teleport over. We won't tell your mum.

  6. Very important to have clean toes.

    Since you are game for me-me's I have tagged you for a me-me as well.

  7. Those are very furry fun ideas! My momma hopes she can find someone to take the duck because the wildlife people won't cause Julius (she named him already) isn't a wild duck.

  8. That castle idea sounds FUN!

  9. We really like number 3. If you get a castle with a moat, we can bring our pirate ship the Black Furrball for everykitty to romp on too!!

  10. Those are some very handsome and clean toes, Mickey!

  11. Mickey u look very cute ~ we love number three ~ we wish there was such a castle...
    Love from the SnowForest family :)

  12. Mickey, you are such a handsome mancat in that picture! And what lovely, long claws you have :-)

  13. After you eat all that sweet grass and flowers, then you can yak to your heart's content also!

    Luf, Us

  14. Awww such lovely tootsies! :)

  15. Those all sound like great things Mickey!

  16. Super dooper icecream scooper!

    A meme for ME! ME! ME! Who put the me in meme? ME!

    *snurgle* *chortle*

  17. You have very nice toes Mickey
    Thank you for being my friend
    purrrs, Prin

  18. hehehe, I love yur three thingies! They all sound furry fun. And that's such a cute pickshure of you washin yur toesies!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

  19. Oh my, all three of those activities sound delightful! And what an adorable picture of you, giving your toes a bath. *smile*

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  20. This is a great meme~
    And from your answers I can tell how much you love all of us!! Thank you~~

  21. #3 sounds like a lot of fun, Mickey. Is there any broccoli there?


  22. We would love to explore a castle, there's sure to be lots of fun places to get into and lots of fun smells to check out, ha, ha.

    Moe & Mindy

  23. Thanks for the meme! That was fun! You had some great ideas too!

