The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is: Self/Part of Self
This week,we decided that the eyes have it!
The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is: Self/Part of Self
This week,we decided that the eyes have it!
Come on and join the fun!!!!!!!!!!!
See all the costumes at the reception!!
I do not know his breed,but look at that special face.
How could I not include him :)
Maybe he is a Ball 'o Fluff breed!!
Sam: Ragdoll
Seaborne : Turkish Angora
Whole lotta floof with those breeds,heehee (Sam & Seaborne)
Junior : Flamepoint Siamese (lovin' the bed!)
Tybalt : Blue Lynx Point Siamese (we think ;) )
Java: Snowshoe Siamese
The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : SHOES
Well, I do not wear SHOES. No self respecting cat does.
Mom, on the other hand , does wear SHOES. But not the " nice, pretty" ones.
Her SHOES are really worn out!! Look at these pictures!!!
Garden boots. She calls them "Gumboots", I don't know why.
They are funny looking SHOES!
Here are everybeans favourite!!!!!!
Mom says these SHOES are "knockoffs".
I don't know what that means either, but thet are also worn out.
Look closely, you can see creases!!!!!!!!!
Now, look at this fine paw !!! No SHOES here !! I have pads and claws .
They never wear out either!
I do not see why beans wear SHOES , paws are much more practical !!!