
Sunday, 31 August 2008

Easy Like Sunday

We are just relaxing today.
We all had a great time at Mao & Ariel's wedding!!!

Miss Peach,Mickey,Marilyn, Mickey Mantle, Tillie & Georgia

Miss Peach & I toasting the Bride & Groom !

We had lots of fun! We hope you did too!!!!!

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Photo Hunt - Beautiful

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : BEAUTIFUL

Georgia is BEAUTIFUL with her Tortie colours!!

Tillie is BEAUTIFUL with her big eyes !

I prefer to be called a Handsome Mancat!

These flowers are BEAUTIFUL!!!





Don't forget Mao Mao & Ariel's Wedding today at 1:00PM, EST

Friday, 29 August 2008

Close Up Friday & Wedding

Yay!!!!!! It's Friday!!!!! We have close ups too :)




Why are we all dressed up?

That's because our friends Chairman Mao & Ariel
are getting married tomorrow!!!!!

Thursday, 28 August 2008

T13-Expressive Cats- Mao & Ariel

This week for my T13, I am showing pictures celebrating the courtship of my friends Chairman Mao & his bride to be,Sweet Ariel.
As you know,they are getting married Saturday,August 30,2008 at 1:00PM EST

This romance began last year when Mao saw a comment on Sweet Ariel's blog.

"My purr-etty friend Ariel is talking on her bloggie about how she has a crush on a mancat who's got bee-yootiful eyes. She ain't tellin' who the lucky feller is, but she said he's got his own bloggie. " May 28,2007

They are happy about the wedding!!!!

They have shown how much they care for each other.

Their formal portrait.

Thinking of each other.

Snuggling together.

Getting furniture for their home.

Attending parties together.

Lots of hugs!!

They even got tatoos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bonus Pics: Previous weddings

Gree & Othello

June 21, 2008

May 30, 2008

Cheysuli & Latte

May 5, 2007

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Wordy Wednesday

Happy Hump Day!!!!
We're just hanging out on the porch.

Did you say something Mickey?

Who me???

Nah, I was just having some fun with Tillie.


Woah!!!!!! Where's the fire Mickey?!!!

I like to wake Tillie up and surprise her ! Heh,heh,heh!!!

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Tuesday Toesday

Here is Georgia relaxing on the porch.

This is her back paw. She is a polydactyl Tortie.

The top view of her paw.

Georgia's 'mitten' front paw.

You can see her 'thumb' better here.

Tillie is snoozing on the porch.

This is her front paw. As you can see,she was playing in the litter box!
She still has dust on her paw! Heeheehee

Her back paw is a bit cleaner ;)

Monday, 25 August 2008

Not the Mama Monday

Not the Mama (Mo) has done so much for kitties and their humans!!! Look at all he has done: rescuing strays, fostering, fundraising, donating, working so very hard with the CFHF and the CB, helping his local rescue organizations, and being the kind-hearted and wonderful guy that he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cat Magnet!!!!!!!!

I would like to thank everyone for your kind wishes on our
1st Blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roxy, this is for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!