
Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Playful on Tuesday

Georgia is in a playful mood today.

She finds a little piece of wood.

She sticks out her tongue and ponders ...

Ha!!! She whaps it off the table!!
It's probably a piece of the old table ,heeheehee

Got any more stick pieces Mom?

Please keep Auntie Deb in your thoughts.
She is having back surgery.
Send her some purrs!!

Monday, 29 September 2008

Mancat Monday

Mickey Bogart proposes a drink to your health!

Say it again,man ...Here's to your health!

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Easy Like Sunday

We hope you are all enjoying a lazy Sunday.
We are showing off our 'fantasy' beds!!!




Remembering a Friend

Our friend has set out on his final voyage.
Drop by and purr for his family.

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Photo Hunt-View

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : VIEW

Here,we have a nice VIEW of Georgia

VIEW closely. Do you see the eyes?

Those are Tillie eyes!!!

Mickey shows the VIEW out this window!

Hmmmmm!! I VIEW a Halloween cat!

Mickey VIEWS the back deck

The VIEW of the back deck while it is pouring!

This was around the time of "Gustav (post tropical)

Friday, 26 September 2008

Thursday, 25 September 2008

T13- Expressive Cats- Seniors are Super

There are lots of kitties blogging these days!!
Many times, the new blogs belong to young kitties
that have a new forever home.
Today, I am showing blogging kitties that are older!!!
AS you will see,we can be as silly as the youngsters !!!!!!!
As an older cat myself,I think Seniors are Super!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Callie (17)





Castle(12 1/2)

Castle & Timmy(13yr 9mo)







Bonus Pic: Miss Peach & I (15)

Older Cats Rock!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Gotcha Day

WOW!!!!! 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great wishes from my sisfurs Georgia & Tillie

Thank you Mom, for choosing ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you!!!!!!!

I love you too Mickey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My 15th Gotcha Day!!!!!
Happiest day of my life! Mom's too :)

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Tummy & Toes

Georgia has light spots on her right toe, and the underside of her left leg .

She also has light furs on her face,front paw and tummy.
You cannot see her tummy today.
Her furs look white,but they are beige.

Tillie is a black cat,but she has white furs too.
She has a few on her chest and her tummy.

Tillie does not mind showing her tummy!!!!!

Here I am on the porch. You can see my toes, but better than that,
you can see my cool shadow!!!

Monday, 22 September 2008

Special Day Monday

Today is a very special day. It is Mrs Quilter's Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Quilter is Mindy & Moe's Mom!!!!!

Mrs Quilter is Mom's sister.
We got her special champagne !

Special treats!!

We invite you to a Birthday Buffet!

Lots of yummies.


For her special day....Presents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A framed picture of her kitties.
Moe & Mindy


We hope you have a pawsome day!!!!!!