
Sunday, 30 November 2008

Easy Like Sunday

The sun is shining and it's warm on the porch!!
Perfect conditions for snoozing!!!!!!
We hope you all have a nice lazy day too :)




Saturday, 29 November 2008

Photo Hunt - Metal #2

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : METAL

Here is Georgia in front of a METAL door.

A METAL cat in the moon.

Must be Mickey Moonshine!!

This METAL shovel gets a workout when it snows!!!!

It is leaning against a METAL dolly.

This bossy squirrel in on a METAL fence.

There is a lot of METAL on that firetruck!!

There is a funny fireman too, in this parade!!

Another friendly fireman in a big METAL firetruck.

Friday, 28 November 2008

Friday Close Ups

It's Friday,time for some close ups !!




What a difference a week makes!
Last week,we were waiting for the BIG snowstorm!
This week, we have rain!!

Last Saturday


Last Saturday


Last Saturday


Mom is smiling!!! The temperature is not too bad either.
It's above freezing!!

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We already had Thanksgiving here in Canada,
so we might visit our friends to see what goodies they are having!!!!!!!!!

Do you want to see Thanksgiving Cats?
See Diamond Emerald-Eyes !!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Tuesday Memes

I was tagged by the delightful Ariel for the 8 Things Meme.
I have done this meme,so I will have Tillie do it.
Georgia was tagged for the same meme,by two cats with Tortitude!!
Pearl and CatZee!

Georgia :

1. I love it when Mom takes a few crunchies and tosses
them to me so I can chase after them. Yum!!

2. Sometimes I carry toys,pot scrubbies or sponges
around in my mouth and cry/meow at the same time.
Mom comes to find me to see why I am crying!!

3. When Mom gives me a special treat, I eat it super fast
as if I am afraid she might take it back! Ya never know !!

4. I like to sit on the arm of the chair with Mom and whap
Tillie or Mickey's tail as they go by. Heehee

5. I love to hide under blankets ...

or chair covers. You can't see me!!

6. I love Werther's Original Butterscotch candies.
Mom will give me a tiny piece.
She does not want me to get cavities.

7. When Mom is eating I go up to her mouth
and sniff it to see if it smells tasty.

8. I think Mom gives the best belly rubs!!!
I'm ready Mom!!!!!!!!


1. I have to be in the kitchen when Mom is getting our dinner ready!

2. I like to chew paper.

I like to sit on top of the fridge and chew coupons.
See my tooth marks?

3. If the kitchen cupboards are not closed,I like to climb inside.

4. I like to climb up to high places and look down.
Hi Mom!!!

5. When Mom scratches my tail,I meep and screech,but I really like it!!
If Mom stops,I come looking for more.

6. If I am going in a room and Georgia is coming out, I hiss at her.

7. Both Georgia and I have short legs.

8. While Georgia and I do not get along well,
we will share nice,soft,cozy mats.
Comfort always comes first!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 24 November 2008

Mancat Monday

This is about as close as I am likely to get to being outdoors.

OK Mom, let me in.
My virtual butt is getting cold

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Easy Like Sunday

Georgia: We like to just lay around sometimes.
Mom says I always lay in this position all the time.

Well,it is comfy. That's all that matters!

Peek - a- boo Tillie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mickey: We are getting some sun today.
There is still plenty of heat in it though!

It is warm inside this porch .

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Photo Hunt- Reflections

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is :REFLECTION

I was thinking I would like to go out and see

the little snow that came down the other day.

It does not look too bad.

This is not anything to worry abouy.

I would not even get my paws in that snow!

Upon further REFLECTION , I do not want to go outside.

It snowed last night!!!!!

Yuck,I would disappear in that snow!!

Even when the sun came out a little while ago,

it looks deep.

I bet it would be cold on my paws!!

This is last night.

Early this morning.

I think I will sit on the porch and just look at the snow.

I do not need to go out.