
Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Sunshine and the New Year

Well, the last day of the year. We have found sunshine.
Mom says it will not last. A storm is coming tonight!!!

That's OK Mickey, we are cozy and warm inside.
I have my box!!

We will celebrate from the comfort of our home!!

We wish everyone a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!

See you in 2009

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Some Toes Tuesday

Snoozing is a fun pastime. I curl up and hide my nose.

Georgia likes her water fresh.
I bet her toes are getting wet!!! Ick!!!!

Tillie relaxing.

Tillie toes. Check out those claws.
Better not let Mom see those!!!!

What claws? I don't see any claws!

Monday, 29 December 2008

Mancat Monday

I found a neat little box.
Now all I have to do is decorate it!!
Any suggestions?

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Easy Like Sunday

Do you like my fields of green and sunshine?
Me too ! This is my dream.
I am dreaming this, because it is raining outside!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, 27 December 2008

Photo Hunt - Squeaky

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is :SQUEAKY

Mom says I have a little SQUEAKY voice.


Do I look like I would have a SQUEAKY voice?

Well, until Mom gets some sound of my voice,

I'm not going to worry about it!!!!!


Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Greetings ,Friends!!

WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Christmas Eve!!!!!!!
Santa comes tonight and we hope he has treats for us!!
We hope he has treats for every cat !!!
We hope Santa will give comfort to all the homeless kitties too!

In case we do not get a chance to visit all our friends,
we are posting this greeting to you all!!!!
We wish all of you a happy, safe Christmas!!!!!


Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Tuesday Meme and Awards

This award was given to us a bazillion ages ago by Steppa.
Thank you so much!!

We got this fine award from the pawsome Karen Jo and the lovely Phoebe

"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

Black Cat tagged(a lifetime ago) me for the Sixth Folder Meme. Here are the rules:

Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin' them 'bout it.

Mom collects pictures and puts them in a folder so she can adjust them and get them ready for posting. This is a picture from last year of me and my nip plant. I still have it too!!! Mom has managed to not kill it!!!!!! WOW!!

We will pass these awards on later. It's hard to get Mom to do things :o

Monday, 22 December 2008

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Easy Like Sunday

I like to snooze. My sisfurs like to snooze too.

Georgia is doing a pretty good job snoozing.

Tillie, on the other hand, really knows how to enjoy a good snooze!!!!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, sun!!



Kinda makes ya want to have a snooze dosen't it ?

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Photo Hunt - Wide

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : WIDE

Here I am sitting in a WIDE window.

When I stretch out, you can really see how WIDE it is.

Georgia is in another WIDE window.

She does not want to look at all that snow!!!

Tillie is sitting on a WIDE mat.

Notice how I did NOT call her WIDE???

Santa is coming!!!!!! I must be good,heeheehee.

Friday, 19 December 2008

Friday Close Ups




A bit of sun today and it's in my eyes!
It feels good though :)

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Thankful Thursday

We got our snow yesterday!!
This was in the morning.

This was in the afternoon.


Mom said there was a very light rain in the afternoon.
Just enough to make things very slippery!

Now, I am a smart cat!!!!
I was very cozy all day!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Wordy Wednesday

Hey girls guess what?
Mom said today will be messy outside!!!
It's going to snow then rain and get cold again!!!

Snow?? Again??
Good thing we're indoors!!!!

Messy weather outside?

Where? When will it start?

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Another Amazing Tuesday

By now you know that my sisfurs do not get along very well.

As you can see, a cozy place to nap changes everything!

The fact there is space helps.
They are pretty close though.

It also helps to sleep back to back!!

This is the weather outside.
It is windy and there may be some rain.
Later, it will get cold again.
Mom calls it yo-yo weather!
What's a yo-yo???