
Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Wordless Wednesday...Mostly

Mickey...contemplating where to have a snooze

Georgia...displaying her extra toes(front & back)

Tillie...already found her cozy spot!

Monday, 28 September 2009

Mancat Monday

I am just hanging out on the porch.
Mom says it will rain today and most of the week.
I guess that means I will be getting lots of naptime!!
Have a great Monday!!!!!!!!

Friday, 25 September 2009

Friday Close Ups

Close up time.
We hope you like these selections.
These pics may not be sharp, but we kitties are!




Thursday, 24 September 2009

Gotcha Mickey!!!!!!

Tillie: Guess what???
It's our brofur Mickey's Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Georgia: That's right Tillie!
It was 16 years ago today that Mom brought Mickey home.
He was 10 weeks old!!!

Mom: Happy Gotcha day to my sweet little Mancat!!!

I have enjoyed each and every year with you!!

You are such a joy to have!!!!
I am so happy to be sharing your life.

Yes, we will celebrate with grass!!!!!!!!!!!

I love to see you happy!
I want you happy for a long time too!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Special Day !!

These fine looking cats are our furcousins!!
Guess what day it is!!!?

It's their Mom's Birthday !!!!!!

We hope you have a fun day.

Though I would prefer grass,
I hope you have a nice meal with cake!!!!

PURRS !!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 21 September 2009

Mancat Looking After Mom

Hi friends!
Mom is feeling better,thanks for all your purrs :)
She has some things on the go,
but promised to help us visit soon.
In the meantime, send some purrs to
Mindy,Moe,Mike Cookie & Bono's Mom & Dad.
Their Dad's Mom passed away Friday
and the funeral is today.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Looking After Mom

Hello friends. It has been a while... again!!
Seems Mom ate something that was not good.
She said she had food poisoning!!
Why she wanted to eat poison food is beyond me!!!
Anyway, we have been purring on her and she is
starting to feel better.
We will come and visit so we can see what you all
have been up too.
We have missed you all very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Just Lookin' !!




Monday, 14 September 2009

Mancat Monday

Here I am just chillaxin on top of the fridge.
I see Mom has a grocery list started.
So far ,I do NOT see treats on that list!!!!!

I'm going to stay here until I get Mom
to write the treats on the list!!
We cannot go without our treats!
I'm just a Mancat,doing his job.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Easy Like Sunday

We hope everycat is having a nice,easy Sunday!!
We're having a lazy day with Mom.




Friday, 11 September 2009

Friday Close Ups

It's Friday again and time for our close ups!!
We asked Mom why she chopped our ears off.
She said it's because she loves our faces.
Mom loves our ears too ,but today is face day!!




Thursday, 10 September 2009

Window Views

Windows are such fun.
We like to look out of them,lay in them and
snooze in front if them.
It would be kinda nice to go through them,
but Mom would not like that.
At least we have lots of windows!!!




Wednesday, 9 September 2009

A Day Without Cats on the Internet...Not Likely!

Our friend Max tells us that some fool bean wants
a" Day Without Cats on the Internet"
What an idiot!! Trust me, it's not gonna happen!!!!!!!!

Yeah!! Come over to my place and tell me in person!
Mom has not clipped my claws yet, heh,heh,heh!!!

Maybe that silly bean was a mouse in another life.
Well,I'll show him what I think...

This is what I think about
A Day Without Cats on the Internet.

Long live cat blogs!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

We're Back !!!!!!!!

Georgia: Oh boy!!!!! We are finally back!
Our computer is fixed and we can see our friends again!!!!!

Tillie: I am so happy we are back. There is so much catching up to do.
The Mom time was super,but we need cat friends,ya know!?

Mickey: Yes, we are finally back. We are lucky that Mr Computer Guy
was able to fix our computer. Family is pawsome!
Mom said things like 'dead motherboard',
'corrupted hard drive' and new power supply. Not sure what caused it,
or what it all means, but I do know we are back and that's all that matters !!
Now, we get to catch up with all our friends.
SEE YOU SOON !!!!!!!