
Friday, 25 June 2010

Friday Close Ups

Mom has been following us with her camera.
We have decided that it is not so bad.
We are not fans, but it's not too bad.
She is trying not to hound us too much,hahaha!!
Have a fun weekend!!!








Monday, 21 June 2010

Mancat Monday

It was a hot weekend!!!!!
Last night, we even had thunderboomers!!!!!!!!!

We had rain too, but I was indoors.
I am not afraid of thunderboomers.
At my age, I think I've heard plenty!!
Have a good week friends.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Friday Close Ups

Happy Friday Friends !!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom has been playing with her camera a bit.
Since the nights are longer,she has more time to practice.
She still wants to take pics of we kitties, but at least
there are neat things outdoors too !!! Whew!!!!!!!



Mickey (I'm still not crazy about this posing thing)




Luna moth (on the outside of the window)

Iris, Mom loves these flowers


Chive flower

Clover & forget- me- not (maybe)


Monday, 14 June 2010

Mancat Monday

Well, it's Monday again and as usual
Mom was busy this weekend.
This time , she was busy with her new camera!
Mom and her sister spent almost ALL weekend playing with their new toys.
Needless to say, we kitties were the subjects.

I was not too impressed.
Maybe when she learns how to use it,
she will turn off the flash!!!!
Right now, she is taking way too many pics.
Hope the novelty wears off soon, hahahahaha

This is her camera.
It is a Nikon D5000.
Her sister has one too, so my furcousins
are being terrorized by the same device.
Uh oh!! Gotta hide .....

Friday, 11 June 2010

Friday Close Ups

Today is a lovely ,sunny, warm day!!
It should be nice all weekend. YAY!!
It turns out the camera Mom & her sister are getting is very popular.
They have to wait for more to be shipped to the store!
We do not mind, but Mom wants it soon, heehee




Monday, 7 June 2010

Mancat Monday

Well friends... another weekend and Mom was gone again!!
Mom & her sister are up to something.
Mom keeps saying "I can't wait" and "This will be such fun!!"
All I know is that we have NOT been visiting our friends!

She has been looking at these types of magazines.
She complains that her camera is "old"(it is) and slow(it is)
She has a 3.2MP camera.
OH NO!!!!!! I think she is getting a NEW one!!
Mom & her sister!!! Argggggggg!!!
Where can I hide???

My sisfur Tillie is indulging her favourite passion
over at House Panthers!! Drop by and say Hi.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Friday Close Ups

Well, it's Friday again. That means two Mom days!!
We just wish it was a bit warmer. Yesterday was rainy and windy!
We can't complain too much as we are indoor kitties.
Have a good weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mickey - action shot
