
Monday, 28 February 2011

Mancat Monday

On Friday it was windy and pouring rain.
Mom took me to the Vet in that weather too!
I have not been feeling well.
I have no appetite either.
Needless to say, I lost some weight
since my visit last year(1.5lb)

Blood tests show an infection,but not the cause.
The Vet felt something near a kidney,
so now I need an ultrasound and 
a biopsy. This may happen Wednesday.

Maybe you can send me some purrs 
so I can pass this big test!!
Mom wants me to feel well and be happy.
I do too, but all I want to do lately
is sleep.

Mom will update you when she gets some results.

For a smile, why not see what
see what Tillie is doing at

Friday, 25 February 2011

Friday Close Ups

It's been a quiet week here.
We have had cold days,cloudy days 
and yesterday sunny days.Today is rainy.
We will have an interesting weekend as it is 
supposed to be stormy.We will get lots of rain
and maybe some snow.
I will be spending lots of time on my heaty pad, 
as I am feeling a bit under the weather.
We all hope you have a fun weekend.







Monday, 21 February 2011

Mancat Monday

Mmmmmmmmm!! What a great weekend it was !!
Mom was home and the weather was mostly nice!!
We had rain,flurries and sun.I liked the sun,heehee

Yup, the heat in the sun is feeling pretty good!!
Spring is about a month away!!!!

Still, it is hot as warm as I like,
so I think I will go to my room
and nap on my heaty pad!
Mom has been reading this weekend, 
so I have been snuggling with her.
That's where I'm headed now!! See you all later!!

Want to see what Tillie is doing?

Friday, 18 February 2011

Friday Close Ups

Well, Mom's sister and her hubby are 
home from their vacation in Florida.
We are too because Mom is back here!!!!!!
We know we will have a happy weekend.
We hope you do too!!!!








The Woodpeckers

Monday, 14 February 2011

Mancat Monday- Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day 

to my beautiful wife, Misses Peach !!


Be sure to drop by
for a card from Tillie

Georgia's Valentine

Ummmmm... Shadow,
would you be my Valentine????

Friday, 11 February 2011

Friday Close Ups

Oh hi!! You caught me thinking,heehee
I am thinking about having Mom home so I can
sit on her when we visit our friends.I am 
also thinking about how much fun it is to
have Mom home on weekends!!!!
Yup!! We're going to love on Mom
this weekend!!
We hope you all have a fun weekend too!







When we stop loving on Mom,
we'll teleport back to this cool rig
and continue on Road Trip #2.
We are headed to Florida where it is way 
warmer than it is here!!!

Monday, 7 February 2011

Mancat Monday

Well!! We all had a great weekend!!!!!
Mom was home and it was SO fun!
We also had another Winter storm, but it was rain.
Mom is afraid it will be very icy when she goes
out to work today. Too bad she could not
stay here with us!
Some other things we did...

Tiger lay on the kitchen floor for a while,

JoyJoy & Treasure had a discussion,

Georgia say on her shelf,

Tillie was on the move.
See her at House Panthers to see 
where she went!

The rain made the snow on this stump
melt in a most interesting manner!!

Pretty cool !

This dead tree has a hole bored into it!!
Wonder who lives there?

Well, time to face the week ahead. 
Better have my bath.

You never know who will stop by!!

Don't forget to visit Tillie  at

Friday, 4 February 2011

Friday Close Ups

Oh boy!! It's Friday!!!
That means Mom will be back here this weekend.
All week she looks after Team Tabby.
We bet our furcousins miss their Mom & Dad,
and we miss Mom. We have a great sitter during the week 
so we are lucky!
We also had a BIG snowstorm om Wednesday!!
Mom said we got about 30cm (16inches)
She did a lot of shoveling too,heehee.
We have some pictures to show you.
No word on the kitty, and Mom is still
very sad.
Have a fun weekend!!



Georgia ( really close up)




Some of the snow Mom was moving
at Team Tabby's place

The back door leading to the deck.

The car in the driveway, before


Mom is ready for Spring!! hahahaha