
Monday 2 April 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

I am in the kitchen looking out the windows.
This is the place Tillie spends most of her time.
She likes to hang out with Mom,
well she is not the only one!

This is a good place to lay down and observe things.

Oh I really want to stay here?

Yup!!! I do !!! I just like to keep changing my mind!
Hahahahaha!!! Girls prerogative...right?

Why not see what Tillie is doing at House Panthers.


  1. Oh Georgia! You're so silly! That's a great spot to hang out...and we're glad you decided to stay there!

  2. We like to hang out in our kitchen window too! You never know when some food might appear...

  3. It does look like a great place to hang out! Wow!

  4. Georgia, you look bee-yoo-tiful in that window. xoxo

  5. Yes, it is, Georgia! All five of the ladies at the Casa remind me of their prerogative on a daily basis! The window does look mighty comfy, though!

  6. If we had an awesome window sill like that, we sure wouldn't want to give it up!

  7. Indeed it is a girl's prerogative do change your mind, and as you are a cat as well, to do pretty much whatever you like. Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

  8. We love to sit in the windows so we can see everything that's going on. We agree with you Georgia we ladies must be allowed to keep changing our minds.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Oh, you are very beautiful on your window sill. How many mancats are lining up at your door with gifts of catnip and cream?

  10. You look darn. pretty in that window seat!

  11. You´re so beautiful and your windows are so good!

  12. The window looks like a great spot to hang out.
    Luna enjoys sitting down nearby wherever the activity is, too :)

  13. When we are in the house we love laying by the window also! You look like you have a great view of things!

  14. Georgia, you silly! Kissies to you anyway!

  15. Georgia did you know how gorgeous you are?
    Well you are!

  16. Pretty girl, we wish we had a cool window like that! We don't have any wide window sills to lie on. And Georgia, the view isn't so great since we are way up high. You are a very lucky kitty!

  17. Changing ones mind is not just a girls prerogative, it's a CAT'S!!!
    ; ) Katie

  18. Georgia, my mommy adores you and looking at you. Could have something to do with the Admiral. xoxoxox

  19. Looking fine there Georgia! Looks like Spring has arrived to the East Coast!

  20. Well hello pretty girl, so nice to meet you. What a nice window you've claimed, it has a great sill
    We are here to thank you for your kind comments at our blog in condolences for Scooby. It is touching that so many bloggers we've never met stopped by in support. What an amazing place this cat blogosphere is.

  21. That's a great window sill! We can see why you stayed there, Georgia!

  22. O, Georgia, we miss having a sweet and beautiful tortie girl around our house. They are so fun, and their furs are fascinating!
