
Monday 25 February 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Oh dear, it is so close to suppertime and I am hungry !

I hope Mom feeds me soon. These bricks are looking kinda good.

I will give them a lick and see if they are tasty.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, nice bricks !

They smell neat and interesting.

Oh how I wish they were food! I am SO hungry!!!
I have to eat bricks!!!

MOM !! Feed me quick before I faint!

Mom: Georgia, you are far from hungry! You get regular meals.
Besides, it is suppertime so come and get it!
Sheesh, I thought Tillie was the drama queen !!!!!

Want to see Tillie and Julie?
Pop over to House Panthers now.

Friday 22 February 2013

Finally Friday with Ducks

Hi, Georgia here. It's Friday and we are happy!!
Mom has been pretty lazy this week. She helped us visit some,
then started games playing on the computer. Can you 
believe that?

Well, as long as she pays attention to us this weekend !!
Otherwise we will have to take matters into our own paws.

I don't think JJ minded too much. He was warm and cozy snoozing
on the puffy sleeping bag Mom puts out for us.
 As you can see, he loves it a lot!

Mom thinks ducks make very cool foot prints.

They are quite interesting for birds with webbed feet.

This guy was walking down the driveway.
We had a dusting of snow early Thursday morning.

As you can see, it is not very deep in the driveway.

With those webbed feet, he does manage to plow up a fair
bit of snow though, heehee.

He is quite colourful too, especially his orange  feet!
This is most likely a Mallard Duck, though he does not
show the white band around his neck. He and his companions 
seemed to like the sunflower seeds Mom puts out.
Mom took these pictures through the kitchen window.

We hope you all have a fun,fun weekend !!

Monday 18 February 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well, it's Monday again and that means the weekend is
over. It was fun though, and we all enjoyed ourselves.
We snuggles,played and got treats and scritches !

JJ is relaxing on the rug,

and so is Tiger. They are looking for more attention and scritches.

Treasure is feeling better. Mom had to take him back to the Vet.
He developed a secondary infection that gave him a stuffy nose.
Two of the teeth he has out were on the top,and that may have 
upset his sinuses. After 2 doses of his meds, he was breathing 
easy again! He is eating well too !

We has a lot of rain on Sunday and the ducks from the river nearby 
came over to see what food they could find. Mom puts out
 cracked corn for the mourning doves and  we think the
ducks like it too!

They do not mind the rain either!  You can even see them 
standing in the water! Yikes !

Tillie and Julie are at House Panthers!
Pop over and see them.

Friday 15 February 2013

Finally Friday with Georgia and Tillie

Georgia:  Mmmmmmm, it is SO cozy and comfy here!!

I'm looking forward to the weekend with Mom and  more 
cozy napping. JJ is enjoying his snoozing too.

When Mom goes to work, she turns the temperature down !
Tillie, as you can see does not like that.None of us do.
She has a little blanket on  her pillow and she gets under it
and stays warm and cozy.

Mom happened to look out the kitchen window one morning and
she saw these ducks! They have been wintering on the river beside
 our house and the lake across the street. They must have decided 
to see what was happening up where we live.

That snow must be cold because the duck is holding up one of
his feet !!! However the other duck is laying on the snow.
He must be tuff!! Heehee!!

Then, they were joined by some friends !
Guess they are going to play in the snow!

I hope you all have a fun,fun weekend filled with snuggles !
Stay warm (or cool if you live down under) !

Monday 11 February 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Hi there friends!  Mom has finally decided to 
help me blog. She says she was busy and then had
to get prepared for the BIG snowstorm that
came on the weekend. I think she was just
a bit lazy.

Well, we did get the snowstorm on Saturday and most
 of Sunday. Mom spent a lot of time outdoors shoveling 
the snow. She said it was not very heavy and she 
was glad! We were glad too as she had to relax
when she came in and that meant we all got lots
of snuggles!

Mom found some mats in JJ's fur, so he got combed 
and floofed, heehee.

Tiger was just happy to roll on the floor,

and give Mom the laser eye for using the flash!!

Treasure is recovering from having 3 teeth stolen by
 the Vet.He could not meow very much and even
had a stuffy nose, but he is doing better now. 
He has a check-up  on Thursday and I bet he
will not want to go !

Mom saw some Mourning Doves in the birdfeeder

so she shoveled a path to the feeder and the tree
stump below it.She put out sunflower seeds and
cracked corn. The birds loved it  as you can see !

A nice neighbour used his ATV to push a lot of the snow out
of the way in our driveway. All Mom had to do was tidy it up a bit.

 We will not be having any snowstorms this week and it will
be warmer. Mom is happy about that! We have not had
this much snow  for quite a few years!
We hope to get back to visiting too !!

Pop over to House Panthers.
Tillie and Julie have snow and bird pics too !!

Monday 4 February 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: YAY!! Mom is back home full time!
Mom's sister and her hubby came back home from vacation
when Grammie fell and broke her hip.

We are happy to say that Grammie is doing quite well.
Soon, she will be going to a Rehabilitation  Centre to get 
used to walking after having a partial hip replacement.
That sounds hurty to me.

I must admit, I am looking forward to things getting back to
 normal. I like the routine with Mom here. I like Mom!

Treasure is doing well after dental surgery too.
I don't think he misses those 3 teeth. He said they hurt and now 
his mouth does not hurt anymore. Smells nicer too, heehee !

In other news, we had snow on Sunday !!! 
We were supposed to get lots and lots of snow,but it turned
to rain in the afternoon. Then overnight it was freezing rain and 
a bit more snow!Mom does not like when we have rain and snow,
because she says it makes things very slippery when it gets colder.

We also saw earl the Squirrel. He was digging in the snow looking
 for the seeds Mom usually puts in that spot.
Right now, he thinks he is being watched ! He is!

Oh!! He spots Mom with her flashy box!

He runs for the safety of the tree!!!!

Eating his seed in peace !
Silly Earl! Mom was indoors and took these pictures
through the window. Talk about squirrely! heehee

Tillie and Julie were happy to have Mom back too !
See them at House Panthers.

Friday 1 February 2013

Hi, Treasure here. Yesterday Mom took me to the Vet.
They kept me there ALL day and they stole 3 of my teeth!!

I was not too happy, but I am glad to be home!! 
My mouth is sore , but I get to eat stinky goodness.
Mom says that my mouth will feel better in a few days. 
I hope so. For now, I think I will sleep.

At the end of the month, Tiger gets her teeth cleaned.
She may not need any teeth stolen though. We 
will see how that goes!

In other good news, Grammie (Mom's Mom ) is doing
well and is ready for rehab on her hip.
She had a partial hip replacement where the femoral head 
(the ball ) is replaced. While she does have some
other health problems, we purr they will not hamper
her recovery.

Hope your weekend will be lots of fun !!!