
Friday, 30 August 2013

Long Weekend Ahead!!

Georgia: I am having a bath because it is Friday and that
means the weekend is here! It's not just any weekend,
it's a long weekend. Labour Day and Mom is home
for 3 days! Woot!

I will get out on the porch and maybe lay in the sun!
Mom says it will be cloudy all weekend and rain on Monday.
Darn! I don't like that answer !

Well, I will enjoy my weekend with Mom anyway.
She can brush me and give me scritches!

Tillie: I am looking forward to the long weekend too.
I will help Mom visit our friends.

Then I will go to the porch.

I will enjoy spending more time in my box!!

JJ: I like to sit on top of the kitty litter.
It gives me a grand view of the porch and of what every
cat is doing! I can watch Mom too.

Julie: I am relaxing here waiting for Mom to come along!

Hi mom!! How about a belly rub?

OK Julie!!

Tiger: Does a long weekend mean extra treats?

Since all the other cats are on the porch, I am going to snooze 
in my chair. Sooner or later Mom will come by with her book 
and read. She gives me scritches when she sits and reads.
I like that!!

We purr you all have a great and fun weekend.
Those that celebrate Labour Day, 
we hope you enjoy the long weekend too !!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

 Georgia: Hi! As you can see I am having a nice relax on the porch.
It is  a comfy spot.

It is also a good spot for watching what goes on, inside and out.

I like to lay up top.

JJ likes the extra room below,especially when he wants to
groom his furs.

There! All handsome now.

Tiger likes the bottom too, with the blankets.
The sunshine is good for her arthritis.

Treasure likes sleeping on the arm of the chair,
especially if Mom is sitting there  reading a book.

There is a window behind Treasure and  he is
being backlit by the morning sun.

Mom also likes to have fun.
I was sitting on the floor in the sun and Mom raised her foot
and it made a shadow on my back.
Humans! So easily amused !

Would you like to see more fun in the sun?
Tillie and Julie are posting at House Panthers!

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Our 6th Blogoversary !

Friends, 6 years ago today we started blogging.
That was the best day,because over the following years
we have met some of the most wonderful friends!
We have enjoyed posting and visiting our friends.
Many are still active,some have stopped,some post less and 
some have gone to the Bridge.

who went to the Bridge in 2011 at almost 18 years of age.
This blog was named after him, Mickey the Black Cat

This is the graphic we made for our first blogoversary

Today we celebrate 6 years and we look forward
to sharing many more years of blogging and 
visiting the many friends we have made
and ones we have yet to meet!

Come and celebrate with us.
We are sure to have some fun !!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 23 August 2013

Double Times Three

Two Torties



Two Black Cats



Two Tabbys



Double Times Three !

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

House Panthers Deserve Love and a Home !

Georgia: Do you know what? I am a Tortie.
Many people like me because of my colourful furs.
I also have a nice purrsonality.
I am considered "adoptable"
I am already adopted  though !!

JJ: I am a Tabby. You can tell by the "M" on my head.
I have long furs and I am very friendly.
I am also considered "adoptable".
I am already adopted though.

Julie: I am a black cat or House Panther.
I have very shiny black furs.
I love to play and am very friendly. Mom loves me lots!
I am not considered "adoptable"
People associate black cats with "bad" things I guess,
so many black cats at shelters get overlooked
That is very sad.
That is discrimination!

Tillie: I am also a black cat and my furs are silky soft.
I love Mom and give her lots of meeps and purrs.
Mom gives me belly rubs and scritches!
I am also not considered "adoptable"
Just because of my fur colour!
I am more than a colour!! I am friendly,playful
and my furs will go with any decor!!!

The reason we are saying these things is that we know
 two sweet kitties that have black fur and had to watch 
other kitties that did NOT have black fur get
adopted! They were ignored.

Would you like to meet these kitties?
Of course you do!!
They are Beau and Dallas.
You can see them at House Panthers.

Thank You!

Monday, 19 August 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia:  Oops! You caught me napping. I like to
nap on this chair because Mom often sits here to read her
books  and when she does, she gives me scritches.
I like that.

While I like to sit here, I also like to hang out in other places.

Here I am in the kitchen. This is a good place  because it is 
where the food is. It also has nice windows. This is a
great place to watch Bird and Squirrel TV.
Sometimes I get the Raccoon channel too.

It is also easy to keep an eye on my siblings!

JJ's favourite place is the porch. It is
very comfy there,especially on sunny days.

This is the fundraiser that Mom went to this past
weekend. It was well attended!

Here is our Uncle looking at some old garden  tools.

Here are Mom's two sisters,Auntie N and Auntie  I.

There was entertainment.
The fiddle player is Uncle R(Auntie I)
The player on the right is Hannah's Granddad.

This pawsome kitty was also in attendance .
Mom thought he was pretty cool. 

See Tillie and Julie lounging!!
All that black glory!
You can see them  at House Panthers.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Finally Friday with Georgia

Georgia: Well friends, another Friday is here and that means
another weekend where Mom will abandon us.
We will not complain too hard as she is leaving us  for a 
good cause. She is attending a fundraiser for a relative whose
12 year old daughter has  Cerebral Palsy.
 The funds raised will go towards a chair lift for the family van.
When they go away tomorrow,I plan to do some relaxing.
Kinda like I am today.

The sunshine on my furs  is so nice. 

I just want to sit here and soak it all up!!!!

Tillie and JJ were loving the sunbeams too!

Tillie really likes that her furs are warm and shiny in
the sun.

Treasure  thinks the porch is a pawsome place to snooze.

Julie and tiger were in the kitchen hoping to get treats.
They were not successful, but did get Mom to agree
to some for all of us at bedtime!

Mom, her sister and BIL do some interesting things when they go 
out and about. One day they went to a museum called 
while they were there, they saw this little kitty.

Mom just had to pat this cat. We could tell because we could
smell it on her!

 Mom also saw this critter. It is called a sheep.
Mom said the wool coat had been sheared off,kinda
like we see on some kitties. She was quite
friendly too.

 This little one in her baby. Baby was more interested in food 
than pats from people. We think baby is smart!

We purr you all have a pawsome  and fun weekend !!