
Monday, 30 December 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Hi friends! Another week has started and there are only
two days left in this year!

I think I need to have a nap so I will be rested enough
to celebrate the new year.
First, I have to check my bed because Mom gave me treats a 
while ago and I want to be sure I did not miss any.

Dang, no treats.I did get them all.

Anyway, I will have a nice snooze and maybe I will get
some treats later. Mom is not as generous though,because the 
Vet wants me to lose weight! 

 Tiger is snoozing  on her blanket.

Treasure loves to snooze on the red fleecy blanket

What about JJ and Julie?
See them at House Panthers.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Tillie,One Month Today

 It has been a month today since Tillie went to the 
I still miss her so much.
Here is a series of pictures from each that we have blogged.
The pictures are from November of each year.

November  2007

November 2008

November 2009 with Georgia

November 2010

November 2011

 November 2012

November 2013

I miss you Tillie and I will never forget you.
You will always have a special place in my heart.
You have given me many,many years of
memories and I cherish every one.
See you again oneday Sweetie.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Monday, 23 December 2013

Our Christmas card for You

Our Christmas card to all  our friends.
L-R: JJ, Julie, Tiger, Georgia and Treasure
Angel Tillie rides with Santa.
We can't think of a better job for her as she will make sure
you all get your goodies from Santa!
We will miss you Tillie, and have a Merry Christmas at the Bridge!


to all!!!!

Friday, 20 December 2013

Finally Friday

 Georgia: Well, another Friday is here and Christmas gets
closer. It will be pretty quiet this year without Tillie.
We will do our best to keep things merry  and love 
Mom lots just like she loves us.
Mom brought this box in from the porch and I just love it!
It is very cozy and comfy,and my favourite place to 

JJ is on the porch rubbing his cheek on the door trying
to decide if he should com in or not!

Julie wants Mom to come and play with her.
She has her fish toy at the ready!


 Tiger is hoping for some more foods. Being the most senior
kitty, Mom sometimes feeds her small meals more 
often as she does not finish a regular meal.

Treasure wishes he could have more meals.
He will settle for scritches because he loves them.

Mom had a couple of slices of old bread she was not going to eat,
so she put some peanut butter on them ,cut them in bite sizes
and put them out for the squirrels and birds. Not long after,
the ducks showed up and ate the bread!
We think the squirrel was not too happy.
He did get his seeds earlier though.


Friends to enjoy the good eats!

Have a fun weekend !

Monday, 16 December 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

 Georgia: I am sitting on this windowsill where I can see
into the porch, and through the door to the outside. It is
a stormy,messy day! So nice to be indoors.

Mom put out some seeds and mixed birdseed for the critters
outside. They liked it too.

This little bird was getting some seeds Mom puts on the stump.

It was pretty windy and the snow was blowing around.
Later in the day it changed to freezing rain and then rain.
It will be pretty slippery and messy when it starts to freeze!
We kitties are indoors, so only Mom has to worry about
 the conditions outside ;)

We all  are spending a quiet day.
JJ is wondering where he should go for a snooze.

Tiger is working on staying hydrated.
The air gets pretty dry when Winter comes.

Treasure is working on cleaning his furs and paws.

And Julie?
Well, she is doing her Monday post at House Panthers.
Pop over to see.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Friday the 13th !

Today may be Friday the 13th, but we are not superstitious.
That's because we have Julie, and she is kinda cute.
With Mom going to work in the dark and coming home in the 
dark, there are not as many photo ops with natural light.
That often means the dreaded flash!
No matter, we still have pics to share with you.
See? That is not bad luck at all!





Julie,the Black Cat

Have a fun weekend.
Mom says we are getting a snowstorm on Sunday!
She has her shovel handy and we will watch from
the comfort of the indoors. Heehee !

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Wordless Wednesday...Mostly

Guess what?

It snowed last night.

Winter has found us!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: As it was sunny yesterday, Mom let us on the porch.
It is screened in and has some clear plastic on the windows
so it is pretty warm,especially when the sun shines.
Here I am in my little box with JJ and Treasure.

I like this little box. It is quite cozy.

 As you can see, it is well loved !

I did move over to the big box. I can see why
Tillie liked this box. It has room to stretch and it
is also very comfy.I will curl up here today.
I did not cuddle with Tillie, but I still miss her.
Since she loved this box, I will claim it as mine
 and I will remember her.

Julie is doing a solo post at House Panthers today.
Pop over and see how she is doing.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Finally Friday Flashback

We are still missing our sisfur Tillie, so we thought we would
show you these pictures from December 30, 2011.





Angel Tillie
We will always love and remember you!

Since Julie was not yet adopted in 2011, her picture is
from December 3, 2012


Have a great weekend .
Hug each other and tell each other you love them.
Have some fun too !

Monday, 2 December 2013

Missing Tillie

Georgia:  Mom said Tillie has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
I keep looking, but I cannot see her anywhere.

Tillie was my littermate and I miss her.
We all do.
We are very thankful we have such good friends here
in the Cat Blogosphere.
We appreciate all the kind words and purrs and
purrayers  very much.
Things happened way too fast and Tillie was only 10 years old.
Same age as me.
.We will come to visit you all  soon, to thank you 
for your kindness.

Julie is going to keep posting at House Panthers.
She is nervous about posting alone.
Pop over and see her please.