
Monday, 28 April 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: I was looking out the window in the afternoon on 
Saturday. It was nice to see the effects of sun and a little heat.

Things are looking green and some daylilies  are sprouting.
Soon, the leaves will be out on the trees!

JJ was sitting on the porch in the morning.
He was enjoying  hearing the birds singing

Treasure was sitting in the kitchen window in the morning too.
He was excited that it was going to be a nice sunny day.
He enjoyed the sunbeams.

You can see the grass is pretty green.
Mom raked the yard and pruned some shrubs.
In the distance you can see that the lake has no ice anymore.
The branches are still bare though.

This is the view looking towards the driveway and our road.
Pretty soon, there will be lots of daylilies blooming here.
The grass is green and near the trees is ground cover called Vinca.
It is a low growing plant and good in areas that have rocks.
It is hard to get rid of, so don't put it in your garden .
Mom has neglected the garden in recent years and she hopes to 
look after this one a bit better this year.
We will see how that goes !

Want to see what was concerning Julie this weekend?
You can find out at House Panthers.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Friday Close Ups

Another week is done and the weekend is here.
That means Mom time and we are looking forward to that.
So is Mom,heehee
It has been cool this week and will be for the weekend.
Too bad, as it was warm last weekend.
Oh well, we will all spend time together and Mom will give us
cuddles,belly rubs,brushings and treats !
Today, we present to you some close ups.





We purr you all have a fun weekend too!

Monday, 21 April 2014

Monday Exercises with Georgia

Georgia: Mom says I am too round and that I should be more
active. Well! I think I will do some stretching!

This looks like a good place to start.


Aaaaa! That felt good!
I quite enjoyed that .
Got your exercises done Mom?
Going off to work is not an excuse !

Julie enjoyed the sunshine this past weekend.
You can see her at House Panthers !

Friday, 18 April 2014

Good Friday...Long Weekend

Georgia : Oh boy! It is Friday and Mom is home!
We are having a long weekend because it is Easter.
It is also sunny ,even if it is a bit cool.

Long weekends mean some time on the porch!
Look who else is enjoying the porch.

 Treasure and JJ.
JJ likes to have his bath on the porch.
Treasure just likes hanging out.

They also like to watch what goes on in the yard!

Julie loves the sun. It warms her black furs.
Mom likes the sun too as she likes patting Julie's warm furs.

Have a fun weekend friends.
WE hope it is sunny where you live!

Monday, 14 April 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia:  I am checking out all the smells on this shovel.

Mom, I'm pretty sure you will not need this shovel anymore.
You can put it away for the season.
What you need now is the rake.

Julie thought this was a good place for a nap.
She is right! She was nice to let me have it too.
She is a pretty good sister,though she is a little rambunctious 
sometimes. I guess that is because she is only 5 years old.
Still, I am happy to have this spot.
Mmmmmmm,warm !

JJ was enjoying the sunshine in the kitchen window.
He did come out on the porch later though.
I think he likes to be near the foods though, heehee

Treasure enjoyed the sunny porch and had a nice nap.
It is so nice to see that most of the snow is gone.
You have to look very hard to see any little bits left!

We would like to say a BIG Thank You for all your
kind thoughts on the passing of our Grammie (Mom's Mom)
She was a great Grammie and she loved cats and woofies.
We know she will be met by lots of the pets she had in her
lifetime as well as Mickey,Tillie and Tiger.

Julie enjoyed her time on the porch too.
Pop over to House Panthers and see her.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Goodbye Grammie!

We are all sad. Mom's Mom, our Grammie, passed away
Sunday April 6, 2014 after a short illness.

Grammie was a wonderful lady and she loved cats.
She had 6 amazing children too.
Now, she is with Grampie in Heaven.
We miss you Grammie!

October 13, 1924 - April 6, 2014

We will be away for a bit as Mom and Auntie N say
goodbye to their Mom.