
Monday, 28 July 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: We had a pretty fun weekend.
Mom was away for a few hours Saturday,
but the rest of the weekend  she spent with us!

I got to spend some time on the porch.

There was a nice breeze blowing Sunday and the
wiffies were so good!

So was the Critter TV !

What do you think  JJ ?

JJ: I think these wiffies are superb!

I would like to  play with those critters though. 

Treasure: Mmmmmmm! Squirrels!
I see at least three!

Yeah, they would be fun to chase!

Julie looks like she is waiting for something.

Want to see what Julie is waiting for?
Go and see at House Panthers !

Friday, 25 July 2014

Finally Friday !

Georgia: Mom was pretty lazy this week.
That means she did not take  many pictures of us.
That is OK by us though.
Today all we care about is that it is the weekend and that 
means two Mom days! WooHoo !!

Julie: Well, mostly Mom days Georgia. I think Mom will be out
for a bit on Saturday. Something about a parade.*
The rest of the time she is ours!

JJ: Weekends mean porch time and snoozing ! 
Oh boy! Right Treasure?

 Treasure: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Earl: Are you going to give me any sunflower seeds?
You know I like them! A  lot!

We purr you all have a fun weekend !

* Mom and Auntie-bean  etc.  are planning to attend the
The Halifax Pride Festival is the 4th largest in Canada.
It is always fun.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: We had the hots this weekend.
The hots tend to make us sleepy, so I had a little nap
on the living room rug.

This was early morning sunshine so it was not too hot yet. 

Later on,when it got warmer, JJ had s snooze on the
porch.He had a nice long snooze too!

Treasure  spent some time looking at Squirrel TV before going 
off for a snooze.

Julie was watching Squirrel TV too.
Then she went inside with Mom.

Julie wanted to see what Mom had in this bag.
Mom won a raffle that the Vet had at their Open House 
last Saturday.

Want to see what was in the bag?
Julie will show you at House Panthers !

Friday, 18 July 2014

Finally Friday

Georgia: It's Friday and the sun is out after a rainy week!

We are sitting here


to  get this weekend 

started !

We purr you all have a great and FUN weekend too !

Monday, 14 July 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Oh no, Mom is behind me isn't she?

What? I'm just relaxing.
I know it's a nice day. I just like to relax here.
It's comfy.

Besides, I'm still miffed that you took me to the Vet
early on Saturday! I know it was a check up. but they
stole my blood!

Treasure: I like to relax here too.
You come in here to use the computer and I know you
will give me scritches !

This weekend, we saw the ting Hummingbirds come to the 

They like the juice Mom makes.

On Saturday, Mom went to an open house at our Vet.
It was in the afternoon.
This is the Vet Tech that I saw in the morning when I saw the 
Vet. She brought her horse to the open house.
His name is Storm and he is holding up his leg for a treat.

Then he gave kisses.
He is a Quarter Horse-Percheron mix.
Mom said he was friendly and enjoyed pats.

He is very nice looking!

Julie is sitting on the floor of the porch.

Want to see what else she was doing?
Pop over and see at House Panthers.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Flashback Friday - Happy Birthday at the Bridge Mickey

This post was first published July 11, 2011
It was the birthday of Mickey the Black Cat,
the founder of this blog and pawsome Mancat.
This would have been his 21st birthday.

Hello my friends. It's me, Mickey.
I am making a special post from the
You see, this day would have been
 my 18th birthday. I new Mom would be
feeling a bit sad today,my siblings too.
Mom wanted me to celebrate my birthday with her.

See how eager I am to see you!!
I do miss you and my family, but 
I had to go. Cancer was making me
 feel to badly to stay in this life.
I am happy at the Bridge because
 I feel like a kitten again!!!
I also have the company of  SO many great friends!

 I did get Mom to show you some nice 
pictures of  my handsome self,heehee

I was a very lucky cat,because I 
know how much I was loved!!
I had lots of places to wander

great places to relax,

and I had fun taking Mom's seat  at the computer!! 

Mom loved to take face pics too.
I know they give her great memories.
I do miss you Mom. 

I also miss my sweet,darling wife,
the lovely Misses Peach. I visit her
sometimes,in her dreams. We can do 
that from the Bridge.

(Note: Miss Peach has since joined her darling Mickey
at the Bridge. They are forever together )

There is a bunch of sweet tender grass
here at the Bridge. I will be sure to treat 
myself to some for my birthday!!

Well, it is time to go.
Remember that it is not goodbye,
 it is "until we meet again"!!
I love and miss you all,and I 
will see you when it's time.
I wish you all a long and happy life!
Until next time...PURRS!!!!!

Happy Birthday at the Bridge Mickey!!!!!!!!
 We love you and miss you and we remember
all the good times!!!

Monday, 7 July 2014

Our Gotcha Day !

Today is our Gotcha Day!
Mom adopted all of us,except Julie, on July 7,2006
after our previous owner(Miss P ) passed away.
Mom had been helping look after us  and Miss P.
We are lucky kitties!

Georgia: Oh yes, life is good!
I like to hang out with Mom when she is on the computer.

JJ is enjoying a snooze on the porch.

Treasure is waiting for some scritches from Mom.
He loves attention and likes to be near Mom.

Julie loves the porch  and looking out of the windows. 
She was adopted July 7, 2012.
At 5, she is the baby of the family.

Want to see what Julie looked like when she was adopted?
Pop over to House Panthers and see.