
Friday, 31 October 2014

Happy Halloween !

From we 4 cats at Mickey's Musings,

We also remember our big brother Mickey
and  his love Miss Peach.
Now, together forever at the Rainbow Bridge.

Monday, 27 October 2014

It's Suppertime !

Georgia: Well we did have a rainy weekend and we did
get lots of scritches.
Right now, however, it is suppertime and we are waiting.
We all like to wait by our dishes .

 JJ: Hurry up Mom !

 Julie: Don't look at the clock, it IS time to eat!

 Treasure: OK! Mom is getting the food container !




nom,nom !

Mom: Kitties are happiest when they can nom their supper!

Julie had concerns about her eating spot.
See her at House Panthers !
 Click Here !

Friday, 24 October 2014

Finally Friday

Georgia: As you can see, I am laying here having a nice
relaxing time. It is rainy outside and will rain all
weekend.That will be OK as Mom will be home all weekend.
She will give me lots and lots of scritches!
I can hardly wait!

JJ will miss being on the porch as lots of wind will come 
with the rain and Mom will keep the door to the porch closed. 

Treasure will also be kept off the porch.
He will not mind too much as he also likes to snooze
and be close to Mom.

Julie, well, she pretty much follows Mom all around the house.
She has Mom so well trained that Mom goes out to pick some
grass for her!

Julie loves grass. Actually, so does JJ, but he is not 
always around when Mom brings in the grass.
He is usually off snoozing.

She may not get any grass this weekend if it is too rainy.

Julie: She might brave the elements if I ask her to.
I'm sure she will not mind getting wet for me.
She likes me!

Whatever your weather, we purr you all have a 
FUN weekend !

Monday, 20 October 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia : I am looking at Mom and trying to convince her
that it is time to eat. I have my bowl behinds me all ready
for her to put yummy food  into.
I also have lots of toys too, but I prefer food.
Come on Mom !

Treasure is watching the critters with JJ.
JJ does not seem too interested though.
I think he is waiting to see what Mom does.

Earlier, Julie and JJ were hanging out in the kitchen window.
There was some good Critter TV.

Earl the Squirrel was on.

He ran over to the stump where Mom puts seeds.

He got one and is ready to eat .
He has lots more too, but we think he will be fighting
the Blue Jays for them !

So how is your Monday shaping up?
Hope it's a good one.

Julie enjoyed the porch with Mom.
See her at House Panthers.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Tocktober for Derby

Monday October 20 is Derby's birthday !
He will be 11 years young.
This year, I have the honour of sending him this tock shot!

All of us at Mickey's Musings wish you a 

Friday, 17 October 2014

Friday Close Ups

Mom is often telling us that we have expressive faces.
Well, we are expressive when things interest us.
It's all about the eyes.
We have her mesmerized! Hahahaha!





We purr you all have a fun weekend !

Monday, 13 October 2014

Canadian Thanksgiving !

Georgia:  Today is Thanksgiving here in Canada.
It is a lovely sunny day too.Mmmmmmmmmmmm!
It smells delicious ! Or maybe that is Mom cooking
yummy foods.

JJ is really enjoying the warm sunshine.

Treasure is enjoying the sun  as well.
He is probably waiting for some treats too or
some scritches since Mom is home.

To all of our fellow Canadians, we wish you all a

Julie likes Thanksgiving too.
See her at House Panthers.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend !

Georgia :  We are excited because it is a long weekend.
That means more Mom time. Oh boy!

Treasure: Mom will be doing the Thanksgiving thing with
family on Saturday, so she will be gone for a while.
Hope she brings back some goodies!

Saturday may rain a bit, but Sunday and Monday  should
be sunny. That will allow JJ and Julie to enjoy more snoozes
on the porch !

To all our fellow Canadians,
Happy Thanksgiving !

Monday, 6 October 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Sunday was a very wet and windy day.
There was not much on Critter TV, so I decided to
spend the day snoozing.
Today is sunny, but Mom is at work, so I will nap some more.

Treasure: I agree with you Georgia. It is more fun 
when Mom is home. I can, however see some critters
 out this window and have some naps too. Pawsome !

JJ did not care that it was wet and windy last night.
He wanted on the porch so he could see for himself.
He had some company too!

JJ did go on the porch last night and so did Julie.
See them at House Panthers.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Friday Close Ups

The sunshine makes us happy.
It also makes us more likely to pose for Mom.
Therefore, we present to you our closeups!





We purr you all have a fun weekend.