
Monday, 29 May 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Mum, you know I am trying to enjoy a nap.
I like to nap when it is cool and rainy outside.

Besides, you are going to work.

OK Georgia, see you later.

On the weekend, mum saw that the Groundhog has babies!
They were out in the side yard. Mum was looking down
 through the window and trying to get a good picture.
This one is not great but you can see 3 of the 5 baby groundhogs!
The coat has a lot of grey in it and some brown underneath.
They were enjoying a munch on some greenery.

JJ: I enjoyed myself this weekend. I went on the porch.
 It was bright, but not sunny and cool but not cold.

I hung out with my little sister Julie.

We watched Critter TV. It was mostly birds, bit we did see
some Squirrels and a Groundhog.
All in all, a good weekend.

You can see more of Julie at House Panthers.
Pop over and see.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Finally Friday with a Video

Georgia: Well, another week is over and we are looking
forward to the weekend.

JJ: I enjoyed the sunshine last weekend, but we are  getting rain
today and Saturday. WE may see sun briefly on Sunday.

Julie: As indoor cats, we do not mind the weather.
We are happy to have mum around to do our bidding.
We all love scritches and brushings and belly rubs.

Last weekend when mum was home she looked on the porch
and saw Earl the Squirrel! He is not allowed to be on the porch
so mum opened the door and Julie went out.
He ran under the couch, so mum did not get a picture.
Even with the radio on, you can hear him screeching!
I would  have loved to chase him but he did not come out
of hiding!

Whatever you do this weekend, we purr you have 

Monday, 22 May 2017

Long Weekend and Sunshine with Georgia and JJ

Georgia: It appears that the door to the porch is open.
I should go out as it is sunny.

The couch feels pretty comfy. Maybe a good place for a  nap.

Yup, this is a good place to relax.

JJ: I could not agree more Georgia..
This sun feels so good!

Oh warm sunbeams,come and warm my furs!

I really like being on the porch when it is warm.
It feels so nice.

We all know that Julie is the porch queen, but something is
keeping her inside.

Pop over to House Panthers
 to see why Julie is not on the porch !

Friday, 19 May 2017

Finally Friday !

Georgia: What a week! It rained on the weekend and all week until
Tuesday evening.Then we heard a few loud bangs of thunder
and the lights went out for a few minutes.
Wednesday was a bit better and the sun came out.
Thursday and today were HOT! Thursday was 30C(86F)
and the humidity made it feel warmer.
While we will have a sunny weekend, the temperatures
will be more to normal for this time of year. 15C (59F )

JJ: Yes Georgia, we do get a temperature spike in May 
and then the temps go back to normal until Summer begins.
We are just happy it stopped raining!

Julie: Yes indeed! I am happy the rain stopped and it got
warmer as I enjoy being on the porch. 

I have to keep an eye on the ducks,birds and Earl the Squirrel
and his friends and also the Groundhogs. I think there are two.
It is more fun to keep watch when I am on the porch.

I am looking forward to watching them all weekend
and spending an extra day with mum.
In Canada, we are celebrating Victoria day,and mum 
has taken it off. That means a 3 day weekend with mum!!
Can it get better than that?
I like hanging with mum  .

What are your plans for the weekend?
We purr they include lots of FUN !

Monday, 15 May 2017

Another Nip Filled Weekend

Georgia: We had another round of catnip!
As you can see, I did not mind as I was  a little
overcome with the nip. 

I did get a bit nervous when Julie came over to check
out may  nip. I told her it was MY spot.

Thankfully, Julie went to her own patch!

We all had our own spot on the rug.

That did not stop JJ from wanting to check out Julie's spot.
He did go back to his own spot.
I was too zoned out to care !

We also had some sun this weekend.We did not go on the porch 
as it was a bit cool and we were doing other things.
You know, snoozing,hanging with mum,rolling in nip...

Julie did enjoy the sun.
You can see where she sunbathed at

Friday, 12 May 2017

Finally Friday

WooHoo! The weekend is here once again and we know mum is happy.
It pretty much rained all week,but we should see some sun today
and Saturday. Sunday may not be as sunny.'s the weekend !
That's what counts as we get lots of mum time 
and it is Mother's Day on Sunday.

Here are some random pictures of us.

Georgia sitting.
She is showing off her profile.

Georgia on the move.
You can see her big foot.
She is polydactyl and has extra toes on all of her paws.

JJ loves snoozing on this pile of blankies.
The wood is to keep us out of the fireplace.
It does not work...dang!

JJ showing off his handsome profile.

Julie is just waiting for mum  to come home.
For her, that's when the weekend starts.
She will nap here  almost all day.
When it is time for mum to come home,she knows.
She goes to the kitchen window and watches for her.
Mum looks forward to seeing Julie in the window too.

When mum is home, the weekend starts 
and we are all happy and looking forward to fun.

We purr that all of you have FUN too!

Monday, 8 May 2017

Rainy Weekend Means Nip Party!

Georgia: With the weekend being quite windy and rainy,
mum thought we could use some fun.
What better way to have fun than with catnip!

I love rolling in nip!

Julie, go get your own!
This is mine!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,that's better.

Oh I feel soooooooo good!

How about you JJ? Are you feeling the nip?

JJ: Oh yeah!

This is goooooood !

Julie: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
I like this!

Julie did enjoy her nip.
To see more of her enjoyment visit

Friday, 5 May 2017

Finally Friday

Georgia: While I am looking forward to the  weekend,
I am looking forward to a nap right now.
No more pictures mum!

JJ: This is my suave and debonair look.
Is it working?

Julie: Mum just told me that we are expecting 
very heavy rain for Saturday.
I hope I can still get on the porch.
After all, it is enclosed so I will not get wet and it will be
reasonably warm.

In our yard this week,
Mr Chipmunk.

While he does not get along with the squirrels, 
he is not being scared away.
He still visits.

Mum also saw some very yellow Gold Finches.
She was happy to see these birds 
as she does not see them every day.

What have you seen out of your window lately?
Maybe you will see something exciting and fun.

We wish you all a FUN weekend!!

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

We Has a Sad !

Like many of our friends in the Cat Blogosphere, 
we are very saddened by the passing of our 
One of the first cats we we met when we first started blogging.
We enjoyed the adventures of Flynn and his late  brother Eric.
While we have many,many happy memories, we miss these boys.

We send lots of purrs to his mum and dad as they now
have an empty home.

Thanks for the memories Flynn.

April 8,2000 to May 1,2017

Monday, 1 May 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

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