
Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Happy Halloween !


Hope your trick and treating is fun and gets you lots of treats!!

Happy Halloween !

Monday, 30 October 2017

Playing With Julie's Tooth Fairy Toys

Julie: Do you remember when I had some teeth removed
at the end of September?
Well guess what? 
I got toys from the tooth fairy!

That tooth Fairy is very smart and just knew I
needed toys.

Thank you Ellen and kitties !!

Did I mention that these toys are handmade and pawsome?


Oh boy! This is great!

There were 3 toys.
Just enough for the three of us too .

JJ enjoyed playing.

So did Georgia !

She had fun.

She got pretty blissed out too! Hahahaha!

Thank you Tooth Fairy !
We loved the toys.

You can see more of me an the toys at House Panthers.
I have a movie there as well !
Purrs Julie.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Let's Get This Weekend Started

Georgia:  As you can see, I am laying on the floor vent.
That time of year is here when the house gets cool and mum
turns the furnace on to warm things up a bit before turning 
it down again.

I enjoy the heat and do not like when she turns the heat way down.
This picture is a bit blurry because mum did not use the flash
as she did not want me to have laser eyes.

JJ is having a bath before bedtime.

He likes to go and snuggle with mum when he is done.

Julie is in the kitchen.

She is hoping to convince mum to give a big round of bedtime treats.
It's not working.

We are all looking forward to the weekend.
We think it will be better than last weekend as mum is 
feeling better. Her back is not sore, but she caught a cold
and now that is going away too.
Needless to sat, she did not do to much picture taking 
this week. We are not complaining.
She will probably make up for it this weekend.

With that in mind, we hope to have some FUN!
We purr you all have lots of FUN  too !!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

We had a pretty quiet weekend. Mum was nursing a sore back, 
so she did not chase us around too much with that camera.
She saw me enjoying myself in this chair though,

Really mum! From this angle, I look pretty big!
I am curled up and not as "fat" as I look in this picture!!
I am actually pretty svelte.

Here is JJ. Mum was giving out some treats and he woke up from
his nap to enjoy the goodies. He is wishing there were more.

Julie ,who spends most of her time on the porch was spending
time looking out on the back deck.

You can see a little more of Julie at

Friday, 20 October 2017

Let's Get This Weekend Started !

Georgia: We are happy the weekend is here again.
Mum is really happy too ! MOL!
We are looking forward to some scritches ans brushings.
Mum says it will also be a pleasant weekend with sunshine and 
pretty nice temperatures.

Oh! Treats too!
You did say treats, right mum!

JJ and Julie are great pals. They like to keep mum company 
in the computer room. 
JJ likes to groom other cats and Julie loves being groomed.

These two often will snooze together.

As you can see, Julie is a very happy kitty !

We purr you all have  a great weekend.
Be sure to include lots of FUN !

Monday, 16 October 2017

Lazy Monday After the Weekend

Georgia: We enjoyed a quiet weekend .
Mum was reading a lot this weekend and we got lots of scritches.
We also enjoyed sunshine and belly rubs and I really enjoyed
a good snooze.

Julie and JJ are pretty good pals.
They enjoy having a nice snooze together.

As usual, Julie enjoyed lots of time on the sunny porch.
It was a nice weekend indeed.

Want to see more Julie?

Pop over to House Panthers !

Friday, 13 October 2017

Happy Friday the 13th !

Julie says "Enjoy Friday the 13th!"
It;s one of the best times to be a black cat!
Consider adopting one.
You will be glad you did!

Wishing all of you a super FUN weekend !

Monday, 9 October 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

Georgia: Wha ta great weekend we have been having.
An extra mum day,porch time and warm temperatures!
As you can see, I'm headed to the porch.

I love sunbeams!
They are warm and feel so good!

JJ and Julie love the sunbeams too .
It makes them sleepy.

Our October has been warmer than usual and mum
was surprised to see this daylily still in bloom!

We send lots of thankful wishes to our fellow Canadians
for a Happy Thanksgiving!

Julie loves her porch.

See more Julie at House Panthers !

Friday, 6 October 2017

Finally Friday Thanksgiving Weekend!

  We are looking forward to this weekend.
#1 it's the weekend!
#2 it's Thanksgiving  in Canada!
That means an extra day with mum!!
We also hope it means we get a bit of turkey or
something equally
Mum will be visiting with family, but she might
 bring some  tasty goodies home.

We thought we would end this week with some close ups.
We hope you enjoy them.




Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving or not.
we want you all to have a FUN weekend!

Monday, 2 October 2017

Georgia on the Sunny Porch!

Georgia: Well, mum's vacation is over and she is back to work.
We had lots of fun with her being home.
Now she has to earn more monies so we can have lots of
food. We do like to eat. MOL!
Yesterday, it was really sunny and warm on the porch.

I hopped onto the couch.

I did not stay there for long.
I used the couch as a springboard to the shelf.

Wheeeeee! Flying!!

Well! That was fun!
I think I will relax up here in the sun1

We all enjoyed being on the sunny and warm porch !

Do you want to see more Julie?
Pop over and see her at