
Friday, 29 December 2017

Finally Friday Close Ups!

Georgia:We thought it would be nice to do some different
close ups. Our expressions are a bit different.
Mum just caught us unaware sometimes.
We are surprised,interrupted,thinking, just looking or
any number of expressions.
Cats are quite expressive.


Julie eyes
(seen through the obviously dirty porch window)

In case we do not get around to visit you, we wish you all a very

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Christmas Fun Until the Power Went Out

On Christmas Day, mum went to her sister's place
with her other sister(Team Tabby)
Since she was going to be away for the day
we decided the best thing to do was nap.
As you can see we all agreed to nap together.

As you can see, mum has a large family and extended family.
They had a great time,then they came home

On the way there, they drove on roads that had snow and a little
freezing rain. They were lucky that a snow plow was ahead
of them and they followed it for a while.

Mum's sister lives outside of Wolfville,home to Acadia University.
If you look closely at the top of the building,
you can see the flags are straight out!
It was a very windy day!

It was so windy that when mum got back home around
8 PM, all she saw was darkness anong the streets.
All the houses were in darkness,including ours!
It seems the high winds caused power poles and trees
to fall on power lines.The Power company said spowe would
take a while to restore and some people would not get power back
until noon on Boxing Day(today)
Our place was very cold and  we were too.
We all piled in with mum to stay warm overnight.
Just after 10AM this morning the power came on again!
It was so nice to feel the heat from the furnace.
Today is still cool (-3C ) and a little windy,
but we are snug and warm indoors with heat!
Happy Boxing Day !!

Friday, 22 December 2017

Our Christmas Card to All of Our Friends

To all of our friends, this is our
Christmas card.

We wish you all love,peace and happiness
now and all year long.

Have a really FUN weekend too !!

Monday, 18 December 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: It is very sunny and warm on this porch and I love that.
I think it would be a great idea to hop on the couch and 
have a nice nap.

Up we go!

There! See all this glorious sunshine?
My nap is gonna be SO nice!

Outside, it is sunny but pretty cool.
On Saturday we had a dusting of snow.
Our first of the season.
Mum said it was not enough to shovel,

That's OK.
The sun is still warm enough so that I can enjoy a great snooze.
Zzzzzzzzz !

Julie enjoyed all the sunshine too.

To see more of Julie's weekend,pop over to

Friday, 15 December 2017

Let's Get This Weekend Started With Great News!

Georgia:  We are all looking forward to the weekend.
That will mean lots of cuddles and snuggles and naps.

Julie and JJ like weekends too.
JJ is a great brother and loves to groom us.
Julie loves being groomed.
We hope you like this video.
These two get along really well.

The really, really great news for this weekend?
This ban will go into effect March 15, 2018.

You can read all about the decision by clicking on the red link!

We are now going to do a  happy dance!!
WooHoo !
We hope you all have a FUN weekend and  join us
in celebrating the pawsome news!

Monday, 11 December 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

 Georgia: We had a pretty quiet weekend but it was fun just the same.
Mum stayed in with us as it was pouring rain outside.
I got lots of scritches and mum brushed me.
I love getting brushed, it feels so good.

JJ:  I enjoyed my weekend too.
Mum brushed me in order to keep fur matting under control.
Matts are not fun,especially when mum works to remove them.
I also had lots of good naps. I like those.

Julie had a good weekend too.
When she was eating breakfast,something outside
got her attention.

Maybe it was Earl!

To see more of Julie,pop over to

Friday, 8 December 2017

Let's Get This Weekend Started !

We 3 Cats: While mum is on the computer doing up
the blog, we keep her company.

It is easy to dictate when we are comfy. 

She does our bidding quite well and follows instructions.

That allows us to enjoy lots of snoozing time.
See, it pays to have well trained humans.

Given the cool forecast for the weekend and
precipitation that may include rain and possibly a bit of
that white stuff... we may be doing a lot more of this.

Whatever  your weather, we purr your weekend
is  FUN !!!!!

Monday, 4 December 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well, mum was gone most of Sunday.
She went to the annual Tea and Tour
put on by her sister's church.

She had a lot of fun helping prepare the food plates for people.

Julie: As good as the food must have been, I was glad 
when she came and gave me my regular supper.

As promised the did bring some sandwiches home.
We did not like a lot of them though.
Yup, we're a tough bunch! MOL!

Here are some pictures of the houses mum toured.

The hall before the people come.

The people enjoying the pre-tour lunch!

Now that the tour is over, we are happy to have mum back home.
We are also happy she had a good time.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Finally Friday at Mickey's Musings

Georgia: The weekend is here!
Mum will be around a unch.
She will be away most of Sunday as it is time for her annual
Christmas Tea and Tour.
That means mum will be hanging out with her sister and
visiting some houses decorated for Christmas.

JJ: That's right Georgia.  There is a luncheon served.
Little sandwiches and sweets and then houses to visit.
Our Auntie's church has been doing this for
over 20 years.
Mum and Auntie have been going for a lot of years too.

Julie: For the past number of years, they have been helping 
out with the tea and lunch and then going visiting.
We do not go, but we wish there were tasty treats for us kitties.
Maybe we can convince mum to bring home 
some ham and chicken sandwiches for us.
We are sure they would be tasty .

What are your weekend plane?
We purr that a lot of FUN is involved!!

PeeEss: If you click on the "tea and tour" in the  labels
below, it will show pictures of some previous tea and tours.

Monday, 27 November 2017

Lazy Weekend with Georgia

Georgia: We had a pretty quiet weekend.
JJ and I spend some time snoozing in this cozy spot.

We have other spots as well, but we like it here as we
like to sleep together.

We had a good weekend and it was pretty quiet.
Mum was doing other things and did not bother us too much.

Even Julie was pretty relaxed.

You can see more of Julie's weekend at

Just follow the red link

Friday, 24 November 2017

Finally Friday

Georgia: It's Friday  and that is good.
It means the weekend will begin.
Please excuse me for not looking at you.
Mum gave us some treats and I cannot resist.

JJ : That's right Georgia. Treats are such things.
We look forward to them after supper.

Julie: I love treats too. I also love hanging with mum,
scritches,the porch,naps,warm floor vents,toys,snoozes...
Well, you all understand.After all most of you are cats !!

We all like fun too.
We hope you do too.
Have a FUN weekend !

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Happy Thanksgiving America !

To all of our American friends,


from your Canadian friends

Monday, 20 November 2017

Lazy Monday at Mickey's Musings

JJ and Georgia are having a  big snooze on a very snuggly
It is pretty cold outside so  it is good to  be in a warm spot.
We are very happy !

Julie is just hanging out and looking around the place.

All in all a pretty quiet Monday.

Pop over to House Panthers 
so see more Julie!

Friday, 17 November 2017

Finally Friday Close-Ups

Georgia: The weekend is here!! We are excited about that.
Mum is going to a little party tonight and when she gets
back, we will have her all to ourselves.
Saturday will be nice and sunny, so we hope we can get
more sunshine pics.
Sunday  is supposed to be rainy,just like it is today.
These close ups are from a day that we had sunshine.

JJ: Mum likes these pictures as there are cool shadows in them.
It makes the pics more dramatic.
We think it makes us look pawsome.

Julie: Whatever the pictures look like, we are going to  enjoy
the weekend. That's what weekends are for.
Well, that and the porch and treats and scritches and belly rubs...

What do you like about weekends?
We purr that whatever you like ,you  have FUN !!