
Friday, 31 May 2019

Finally Friday!

Happy Friday friends!
WE are happy the weekend is here and we have
mum home for 2 days!
We look forward to having treats,snuggles and snoozes.
Here JJ and Georgia  are sharing treats.
Actually, JJ did not think Georgia was eating
them fast enough and came to help!

Georgia thinks he is  just being greedy!
She told him to leave hers alone!

Meanwhile, Julie was practising her statue pose.
WE think she did pretty good.

We are hoping for a nice weekend but it looks like we will 
have a sunny Saturday and rainy Sunday followed by a 
rainy week. Mum said that this May is the coldest since 2005!
If any of you have extra hot weather, you can send it our way!
Looks like we will be having FUN indoors!
Hey, we always have FUN indoors...we're indoor cats!
How about you,friends?
Where and how will you be having FUN this weekend? 

Monday, 27 May 2019

Monday Musings with Julie

Julie: Our weekend was pretty good. 
We started off with a nice nap.

Then I decided to explore the porch and look out the window.
Critter TV was pretty good.

There were lots of critters this weekend including
(Don't worry Trout Towne Tabbies, they did not stay)
This is a Blue Jay, but he was not playing baseball.

There were a couple of crows too.

 This is a Humming Bird.

Since it was outside, I could not tell if it was humming.

Here is Earl the Squirrel.
He was asking for more seeds.
I was asking to get out and chase him!
Neither one of us got what we wanted. Dang!

This appears to be a baby squirrel.
I did not get to chase him either.

Maybe I should just go back to the cat pile.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Friday Close Ups with Georgia,Julie and JJ

Georgia: Well friends, it's been a quick week.
That was because mum was off Monday do her work
week went by fast.She said it was busy too so she
is going to join us this weekend in doing some
relaxing. We think we can show her a thing or two.Heehee!
The nice thing about busy weeks is that there is not a lot 
of picture taking. We did however get some close ups
gpr you to enjoy.
Here is mine

JJ is looking good even if his eyesight is failing.
He is still a happy, loving kitty.

Julie does not like to pose and that is a pity.
She does have some good lines and  pretty neat
whisker humps.
One of these days mum will capture her looking at the
camera and being relaxed.

How about you friends? 
Do you like to be photographed?
Do you find it FUN ?
We bet many of our American friends will have 
FUN celebrating Memorial Day on Monday!

To everyone we wish your weekend will be filled with FUN!!

Monday, 20 May 2019

Holiday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends. The weekend is over but because
today is Victoria Day we have mum home with us.
I love extra mum days. She decided that it was time I had
a good brushing too.

 Just look at all the fur she got.I love brush sessions as it
 feels like a massage session.Mum, I want more!

JJ and I often snooze together.
He likes to lean on me as you can see here.
He is a great brother.

As you know, Julie loves windows.
Here she is sitting in the bathroom window. 
She has a friend with her too, Big Kitty.

Julie in her favourite spot, the kitchen window!
She gets sunshine and good views from here.
Sadly there will be no sunbathing today.
We are having rain and a chance of thundershowers!

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Orange for Crockett

Today we are celebrating the life of sweet  Crockett
This would have been his 5th Gotcha Day.
He is with treasured friends at the Rainbow Bridge,
however we will miss this sweet kitty.
We send lots and lots of purrs and head bumps
to his family as they miss him so much.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Close Up Friday!

Georgia: Well, another week has come and gone.
We are a bit excited this weekend as we have an extra mum day!
We are celebrating Victoria Day on Monday and 
mum will be home with us! WooHoo !
We always like extra mum days and so does she so she is
taking the day off work.

We will be looking forward to scritches,belly rubs and brushings.
We know that all that will be FUN!
Today, we are showing our close ups. 
Here is mine.


Julie in profile

We purr you all have a FUN weekend.
What will you be doing?

Monday, 13 May 2019

Monday Musings and JJ's New Do

Julie: We finally got to have some sunshine
this weekend. It was nice.
It felt really nice on my furs too.

I even got to dine in the sun. I liked that!

Mmmmmm! That was tasty!

JJ and Georgia spent some time snoozing.
They enjoyed the sun too.

They even decided to have a drink together.
JJ is showing off his new fur cut.
His fur matted up faster than mum could deal with,
so she had the Vet staff trim the furs. 
She did not want to do the shaving as his skin is so thin.
JJ is happy mum is not picking at his matts anymore!

These two are determined to do everything together!

Friday, 10 May 2019

Friday Close Ups!

Georgia: As usual, mum leaves everything to the last 
minute and that includes getting pictures for
Friday Close-Ups.
She figured she could just grab the camera and 
tell us to pose and snap away.
A usual, we are not impressed.
Lucky for you, our friends, we cannot take
bad pictures even when we do not cooperate. MOL!
Here is my picture.

This is JJ. It is not so much that he was not 
working with mum as he was not sure where  to look.
HIs eyesight is not the best, so he decided on profile.

Julie is the worst. As soon as she saw mum taking pictures,
she ran off. Here she is hiding under some furniture.
Thanks to Photoshop, mum was not deterred. 
She had to lighten this picture.

It was pretty dark where she was so when mum lightened
this picture, it looks grainy.
However, mum got the close up!
For a girl that loves attention, you would think
she would love posing.

So there you have it.Last minute and  it's done.
We really need to get mum organized.

Why was mum so late? She took JJ for his
check-up. The Vet was really pleased.
Ha will go back in a week or so to have his blood
pressure tested again to see if his new medication
is working.
Because he is a long haired cat, he tends to get matts.
So mum got them shaved. Now he has a bare spot on his mid section.
We think he looks cool and maybe he feels cool.
Mum will make sure he keeps warm. We will share pictures 
on Monday.

For now, we are going to enjoy the weekend
and have FUN!!

What will you be doing to have FUN?

Monday, 6 May 2019

Monday Musings with Julie

Julie: Hello friends and how was your weekend?
Mine was pretty good.Saturday was cloudy and drizzly.
It was a good day for napping. That's what we all did.
Good thing too as mum was away all day. 
Her Aunt was celebrating her 90th birthday and mum went
to  her party with her sister.


Though her health is not the best, she loved having
so many people celebrate this amazing milestone.

Sunday was sunny! It is so nice to have those warm
sunbeams on my furs!

I agree Julie.Sunshine is pawsome and so re brushings.
Mum have me a good brushing session.
I really loved it too.

 It's like having a big scratch and you feel so good
afterwards. You look pretty good too!

JJ: I got a brush too, but I don't like it as much.
My furs tend to get into matts. When mum does not 
do the brushings every day, the matts appear.
I will be having my annual check up this Thursday.
Maybe they will help with some of the matts.
We will get a better update on my health too
While I am slowing down and sleep a lot, my appetite
is pretty good.My sight is not and sometimes I am unsteady.
All in all, I am still pretty happy.

On Saturday morning, mum was able to get a picture
of Mr Groundhog. He is very nervous and takes off
in a flash if he thinks he hears a noise.

We all hope you have a good week!

Friday, 3 May 2019

Thoughtful Friday

Before we start our post, we want to recognize the
passing of two special cats that have played a big part
in the Cat Blogosphere for many years.
She entertained us with her wardrobe and her charming life
and the many things she explored and all her antics
on her blog"Daisy the Curly Cat"

We also remember Maggy.
She lived in Florida with her sister Zoey and the 
Zoolatry human.
When a move north was necessary, Maggy stayed 
in  Florida with her new "mum"
While they were separated, the love was never lost.
Visits and news were often shared.
We loved seeing Maggy and Zoey and their
antics  on the Zoolatry blog

We will always remember these two very sweet cats.

For our post today we present our close ups!
Here is Georgia  highlighted by the evening sun.

JJ after he had a good long drink from the water bowl.
You can see he has a water mustache.

Julie in the kitchen window highlighted by the evening sun.

Saturday will be a bit rainy, but the sun returns for Sunday.
We also look forward to warmer temps.
Maybe Spring really has arrived!
Either way, you know we will be having FUN !!!

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Happy May Day and a Birthday for Julie!

Happy May Day to all of our friends!!!!

As many of you know, Julie was rescued from the great
outdoors  in July of 2012.
When mum took her to the Vet, theVet said she was not spayed.
She is now ;)
The Vet also guessed she was about 3 years old and  they 
decided on April as a birth month.
As for a date, the 30th is just as good as any.

had their Petcretary make this beautiful birthday card!

Julie says "THANK YOU!"