
Friday, 29 May 2020

Happy Cat Friday

Georgia: Mum was taking pictures one day
and I was in the mood to pose.
She liked that a lot, because usually
I spend a lot of time snoozing.
Hey, I'm a cat,it's my job!

I do wander around sometimes too.
How about some treats mum!

Julie: The porch is a great place for a bath.
It is sunny and quite warm now that the weather 
is getting warmer.

Now that the bath is over, I can relax and enjoy
the warmth of the porch. I do love
the porch when the weather is warm. It feels so cozy!
What can I say...we cats love heat!

How is your Friday going?
We hope that whatever you are doing you are having

Monday, 25 May 2020

Lazy Monday Thoughts

Georgia: I love having soft,comfy places where I 
can relax.

Julie: I like having lots of windows so I can see 
what happens in the yard.

I see Earl outside teasing me.

I would love to get outside and chase him!!!!!

Friday, 22 May 2020

Happy Friday !

Georgia: I like drinking water. Mum says it's
good for me. I just think it tastes good.

Now that I'm refreshed, I am going to relax.
Mum, if you want, you can brush me. You know
I love that!!!

One of the little groundhogs was enjoying the sunshine.
 They really enjoy all the greenery around.
No shortage of food for the groundhog family.

A study in light and dark.

Yes Julie, it IS something you do well!

Happy Friday friends!
We purr you all have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 18 May 2020

Critters We Have Seen in Our Yard

These two deer  were enjoying eating grass and weeds.
Julie thought they were huge and was glad
she was inside.

 This deer was in the woods across our road 
at the end of the driveway. 


These are baby groundhogs.
As you can see, they blend in well with 
their surroundings!

Mum's sister managed to get this pawsome
shot on a baby at the fence.

 Mum was not happy to see this big 
fishing spider .
At least it was on the outside!!!

Mum saw this big bird on Friday as she 
was putting out birdseed.

This morning, she saw some of these birds!
There were at least 4 of them  in the trees around the yard!

Mum got this picture of the birds flying over the
lake that is down the hill and  across the main road .
She was surprised at how many there were .
She got a picture of 6 but there were more!
Any idea of what kind of bird it is?
Mum thinks it might be a turkey vulture.

Since it is our blog, we need to make an appearance.

Julie did not want to pose.

Little sister is a diva at times. MOL!!

Friday, 15 May 2020

Friday Thoughts

Julie: Sometimes when I want a comfy nap I get in this
fuzzy cozy bed. I really like it and sleep here often.

Georgia: I like this bright blankie. It is soft.
It is pretty good for naps and sometimes
I like to sleep under it. Mum says
I'm a burrower. I just like to be cozy!

The  Groundhog is still around.
This was after supper. Guess he wanted a snack
before  going  settling in for the night.

We purr you all have a FUN weekend.
We are getting warm weather though it will rain 
We don't mind as we are indoors.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Lazy Tuesday

Georgia: What a difference a day makes.
Monday was nice and sunny and today it is raining!
Good thing I am inside.

Julie: I miss the sun too as it really warms your furs.
Mum says we might see the sun this afternoon.
That would be nice as I don't like the rain!

Blue Jay: Hey there! The nice lady that lives here 
always puts seen in here.
There is a nice mix too.

Sometimes I  take the seeds to this branch to eat them.
I see that black cat in the window  sometimes.
I am really happy that it stays indoors!

Friday, 8 May 2020

Lazy Friday with Georgia and Julie

Georgia: I love when mum replenishes the water bowl.
The water tastes fresh and cool.
I love water and that makes mum happy as I am
prone to constipation.

While I don't like the medication, I do like the treats
I get after! I also get some brushings. I love
getting brushed! I especially like having my cheeks 
brushed with the Zoom Groom

Julie: I also love sunshine. It feels SO warm
 on my black furs. Mmmmmmmm!

The warm sun also makes me feel sleepy.
I don't mind that at all .....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

We have to enjoy our sun now as it might rain  later.
Mum says we may not see the sun again until Monday!!!
Oh Well, we will still find ways to have FUN!
We purr all of you have FUN too!

Monday, 4 May 2020

Happy Monday

Georgia: Happy Monday friends.
Mum was busy this weekend doing other things
and picture taking was low on her list.
Can you believe that?!!
She did quickly snap this picture of me.
Mum, you need to focus!

I was just getting ready for a nap.
OK mum, you can go away now.

Mum did manage to see Mr Groundhog this weekend.

He looks like he is posing, but mum was indoors.

He thinks he is being stalked and is calling mum 
out  on it!
Our groundhog is nervous so mum has to
be sneaky in getting the pics. MOL!

Friday, 1 May 2020

May Day,FUN Day!!!

Georgia: What is  that silly Julie doing?
Being silly no doubt!

Makes me tired thinking about her being silly.
So I won't!

That's a good idea ...right?

Julie: I love sunshine!!

It feels SO good on my black furs!

Silly Georgia doesn't know what she's missing!

On thing no cat wants to miss... FUN!!!

We purr you all have a FUN weekend!
Even if mum says every day feels like a weekend ;) 
But she is having FUN with us!!
Happy May day!!!!