
Monday, 29 March 2021

I Love Getting Brushed!

Julie: Do you see this greenish object?

 It is a brush. I really like it s lot too.
It feels really good on my body,just
like a massage! Every time mum walks by, 
I run to this spot. I can't get enough!

Are you ready to brush me mum?
I am SO ready. Can you do it now?
Yes Julie, I will give you your brushing!

Lucky for me mum gives me some brushings.
Maybe that is why my furs are so
shiney and soft!

 This weekend ,mum looked out the window 
and saw a young Deer.
The had to be sneaky to get a picture so as not 
to scare the deer away.

The deer suspects something, so mem has to try
not to be seen.The green at the bottom of the picture
is part of the windowsill.
Still, she managed to get these pictures.
The deer was doing clean-up on the seeds mum
puts out in the morning.

As I am indoors, I do not mind the deer in the yard.
It is only in tha past 5 years or so that we have seen
deer around our area.
At the end of our road, there is a forest so the deer we
see must be exploring.

Friday, 26 March 2021

Snow Is Gone and the Weekend is Here!

Julie: Oh boy! I do love dinnertime!
It is especially good as it is Friday and the weekend is here!!
That means mum time!

Oh yes, that was tasty!

Just look at that view!!!!!

No snow!!!!!!
There is a little bit in the driveway where it was ploughed,
but that's it! 

I am a pretty happy cat. Good dinner, weekend here,
mum home...that makes me happy.
After all those warm temps, it is sooling off a bit and
we will be getting some rain.Humf!
It must be Spring!
Oh well, we are heading in the right direction and
the sun will return.
OK mum, time for after dinner brushies!!!!

Yup! You know that will be FUN!!!!!
Hope your weekend will be great too !!!!


Monday, 22 March 2021

Snow Came and Now It's Going!

Julie: Hi friends and happy Monday!
On Friday, we had a snowstorm! Yuck!!!

Mum took these pictures Friday evening  about
7 PM

Looks like way too much snow!!!!!!!

Sunday morning it was warmer and the snow
was melting!

Sunday afternoon, you can see the melt happening!

Sunday evening, 6PM, there was more melting!!


This week our temps will be warmer and sunnier, so more
of this white stuff will melt!
On Friday, we will have rain.
With Spring here, I want to see the snow go,
and the temps to go up so the grass can grow!
I like's tasty!

Friday, 19 March 2021

Wild Weekend Ahead...With Snow!

Julie: Sometimes when mum is not home I have a
pretty good snooze in this cozy bed.
It is on top of a filing cabinet with a floor vent
close by. The warm air rom the furnace makes
this bed even cosier!

This Cat tree is placed in front of a window overlooking
the porch. I can see out and see mum  when she
comes home.

Right now, I am on storm watch!
Yup, we are getting more snow!About 8 inches!
I want to be sure mum gets home safely so we can
get this weekend started!
The funny thing is that the weather will be warmer
Saturday(5C) and  warmer still on
Sunday(10C) and then rain or the start of the week!
Such is Spring in Nova Scotia!
That's OK. I'm looking orward to cuddles and scritches.
Now that's FUN!!!!!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, 15 March 2021

Peek-a-Boo !!!

Julie: Now you see me...

Now you don't!
Mum: Ummmm, Julie...

I know mum. I'm just having FUN.

Oh, one other thing...
Could you please vaccumn the rugs!!!!!!!

Yes Julie, I will.


Friday, 12 March 2021

I like Fridays!

Julie: Hi friends.
It's Friday again and you know I love Friday.
That's because mum will be home with me all day
or 2 days! WooHoo! I think she likes that too.
Right now I'm sitting here looking out on the deck.
Those silly squirrels often run accross the deck.
They are pretty hyper critters and entertaining.
I say that because I can't go out and chase them.

Oh well, mum will be home soon and I will have more
FUN things to do with her.
For now, I will just enjoy the view and the sun.
 Spring is in the air today and the temps are warm.
Mum says they will not last.
Next week will be back to  cooler temps and the
 snowflakes.  We are both looking orward to  the end
of Winter!

 I am just looking orward to mum being home.
That's when the FUN begins!!
Happy weekend friends!

Monday, 8 March 2021

Dear on Deer!

Julie: Mum was looking out the window Saturday
and this is whar she saw. A young deer in the
garden at the end of the driveway.

There must be some yount grass shoots coming up.
The green in the picture is Vinca.
The snow is gradually melting and is in places that do
 not get a lot of sun.

The deer must sense that she is being stalked and she is 
right! Mum has the camera pointed at it.

Meanwhile, I sit here waiting, and waiting for my
brushing session!!
Come on mum!!!!!!

 Fortunately, she did come and I got some pawsome
brushing time! You can see a pile of fur on the left.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Finally Friday with Julie

Julie: It's been a strange week or weather.
Monday we had the coldest say of the Winter!
It was sunny but COLD and windy.
The rest of the week was pretty good and  cold,
but not freezing. Our snow is going and with the
warmer temps next week, there should be even more

 I am posing nicely for mum.
She has treats!

I like getting treats!

OK, I am now ready to get this weekend started!!
I am ready for FUN!
Also snuggles,scritches and brushings!

What are your plans for the weekend?

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Happy Dr Seuss Day!

Happy DR Seuss Day!!!!!!!!!!!

Here I am with the Cat in the Hat stuffie from Dr Seuss fame.
I also have a pawsome tomato that was hand crafted by the
pawsome and talented Ellen of 15 and meowing 

Hmmmmm! Which one to choose?!

I will play with the tomato!
It has always been FUN!!!!!

Now, I'll sit on all the toys!

I was happy to join in the FUN on DR Seuee day!
I will pop by later to see your Dr Seuss pictures 😸

Monday, 1 March 2021

Our Yard, A Quiet Place or Wildlife

Julie: We had a pretty nice weekend. While the temps
are still cool the sun was bright!
Sitting on the windowsill, I could feel the warmth
of the sun on my panther furs.
Mmmmmmmmmm! It was nice!
it's also nice that we are now in March!!
Spring is coming!

The snow is melting and you can see more of the
brown grass. MOL!!.
Lately, this deer has been stopping by to enjoy
some of the seeds mum puts out for the birds.

Sometimes the deer will stop bt the rhododendron bush
and much some of the leaves there as well.
As the area is quite quiet, the deer feels comfortable
dining in our yard.
I enjoy watching the wildlife as does mum.

These warm sunbeams are making me sleepy.
I must go now to enjoy a nap.
See you later!