
Tuesday 28 May 2024

Favourite spot to hang around

Winnie: I really like this sofa. As it is in a big room,
I have great views from here.
I am sitting behind Auntie L.

                                                  With the camera a bit to the left , you can see
                                                  the fireplace in the corner. As  we are into Spring
                                                  it is not being used.

If I were to turn around and face the opposite
                                                     direction, I could look out of the big window.
                                                    There is a nice big cat tree there  and a great view 
                                                    of the outside. I can watch cars and people passing by.
                                                    As it is pretty busy, it makes me happy to be an indoor cat!
                                                    It  is good enough that I can see where mum is from here ;)
                                                    You never know when she may go in the kitchen...MOL!


Wednesday 22 May 2024

Hi from Winnie

Winnie: Well...hello friends!
I finally got mum to help me blog.
I have really been having fun here as it is
wat more fun than the shelter.
See that toy behind me ?
I have a LOT of fun with that!
I love to chase it around!

                                    I also have a really cozy bed and pawsome a pillow.
                                                            It's called Mum!   MOL!!!!!! 

Well, I gotta go play now!
Catch you later!!!!!

Monday 20 May 2024

Get that Toy!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just sitting here ignoring that toy
in front of me.

Ha! Who am I kidding!
You knew I would attack !!!