
Wednesday 29 August 2007


Today was kinda hot.Just a day to lay on the porch and watch the nature show.There are always squirrels fighting over sunflower seeds and peanuts.Man,are they loud,too!! They don't play well together. Every once in a while we get to see something new.Chipmunks!! Not nearly as common as the squirrels. Also,not nearly as squirrely either.Hahaha!
Mom calls him Alvin ;-)


  1. Hi Mickey! It was hot where we are too!! We see chippy-munks too sometimes, right outside our window.

  2. Heh heh heh, it's a good thing that fence is there, otherwise I would be having a whole lotta fun chasing those chipmunks. I chase the birds from our yard, and the evil intruder cats when they lived next door. Gotta protect the hoe, you know.

  3. Those are some cool little chipmunks. I think it's great that you have live television by you!

  4. We have chipmunks around here, too, but they seldom come into town. Squirrels can be very loud when they start arguing with each other. I like to watch them, too.

  5. Dear Mickey, I know how to keep a secret, unlike my black coated sister. What is so funny about Roxy being on the table is she squeezed herself up through the pushed in chairs and then doesn't know what to do when she gets up there. (She is looking for food, of course.) I ignore her and silently laugh when mom comes home and gives her the "death glare" then makes her suffer a few minutes before she gets her off the table. hee hee

  6. Chipmunks are cute. We do not have them where I live. I never knew they liked to fight. I have never seen a lizard fight, and they do not make any noise. I think chipmunks might be more fun to watch.

  7. Hi, Mickey! It's great to meet you! You're a furry handsum and nice mancat. And hehe, them chipmonks look really yummy -- I'm lickin' my lips! hehe

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  8. Alvin and the Chipmunks!!! Ha ha!

    Thanks for visiting us! It's so nice to meet you!

    Luf, Us
