
Wednesday 17 October 2007

Nipped Out Wednesday

I'm going at my catnip plant. I think Mom must have gotten into it last night too! Either that or she just had a brain fart!! (Heehee) You see,she was helping me with my blog. I told her it would be a simple post for midweek. She worked on it for a long time and was watching TV while working. Finally she was done. She uploaded it and called me to take a look. Mom,I said, that looks great. BUT,it's Wednesday,NOT Thursday!! Good help is so hard to find! "sigh"
Mom did what??? Hahaha!!!!

See! See! It's that flashy box! It affects yer brain!! That's why I don't like it!

You did remember to save that post,right Mom?

Yes Mickey,I did remember. At least tomorrow's post is already done. I'm ahead of the game.

That's a first ! Heh,heh,heh!


  1. Cute photos! Your catnip plant looks wonderful! I do wonder, sometimes, if humans have gotten into the 'nip!

  2. Ooo, ya gots a furry nice nip plant! We got one too but it doens't look so purrty anymore.

  3. Im not allowed to touch the plants, the servants get upset when I chew the leaves. I wish I had one of those nip ones!


  4. Thanks for the welcome, Mickey! I am only a year old, but both of my sisters just turned 3 last month! I am introducing them in my blog today. They were so excited about it last night that they wouldn't stay still to let mommy take their picture.

    I really like your catnip plant! Mommy won't get us one because my sister Holly has a little catnip "problem."

  5. That is a great looking plant. Is it tasty?

    Our Momma has some "issues" with knowing what day it is, too. hee hee

  6. We love your cat nip plant. We must ask Mommy for one of our own!

    Did you know sometimes our Mommy gets so confused that she calls us by the wrong name? Sometimes she even calls us by the dogs' names! She does! Sometimes we think she is losing her mind!

  7. I thought you were just going to be gone for awhile and did it early.

  8. hahaha

    Can I have some of that nip?

  9. Why don't WE have a nip plant??? Must I research every cool thing around here only to have it rebuffed?


  10. Mickey, it looks like you are really enjoying that catnip plant. I had one once. But I did not like it. I only like the dried up kind. I do not know why.

  11. Mickey

    You have a real catnip plant? OOOO can I come over? At first when Momma read your post she thought it said you had a catnip planet...and I went show me the way.

    Can you imagine an entire planet of catnip?


  12. I couldn't agree more, Mickey. I've been training my secretary (aka Mom) for 10 years, believe it or not, and she still makes mistakes!


  13. That's a beautiful catnip plant, wow! I love, love, love catnip. Out of all the Ballicai (and we're all nipheads), I'm the biggest niphead of them all!

    Thank you for coming to my party and helping to make my birthday the best one I've ever had!

    Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

  14. Your Mom needs to lay off of the nip ;-)

    Very nice pictures!

  15. Tell me about it!!!! Lately I think my staff is TOTALLY useless!!! They don't post for me at all, forget to help me visiting, it is mayhem!!!!
    I am thinking of putting an ad in the paper..... Help wanted, you know.

  16. I love love love catnip! I am drooling now.

  17. Hmm, I bet catnip would make a great gift for Miss Peach.


  18. Keep the nip away fwom your staff!

  19. Maybe yoor mom was chewing on da plant too? Mom and dad both get brain farts alot...speshully dad, mom sez if he had to remember to breath he woulda died a long time ago.

  20. Dude! That is one primo nip plant! You gots to be careful whut you shows on da internets - you better hide that if you ever have a party!

  21. hahahaha look at your nip drug blood shot eyes! hahaha you looke like a friend of Kate Moss! alledgedly! x
