
Saturday 6 October 2007

Photo Hunt- Curves

Well this is gonna be pretty obvious. Curves and cats go together. Yes, there many curvy things in nature (Mom), but Mom does not have pictutes of them handy. Mom is too lazy busy to look for them. Therefore we will post pictures of us. Heh,heh,heh.



Georgia (and Tillie)


  1. Ahhhh the ladies got their turn! Guess what I did today? I came out of my frying pan this evening and stayed out up till now...that would be over five hours! Plus mommy gave me a bath today...she said a week of stinky sick bay made mean icky girl cat. Then I slept on my soft fuzzy blue blanket infront of the warm stove. Life if great because I am getting better:)
    Thanks for loving me...Miss Peachy

  2. Great minds think alike! :) We cats are certainly curvy. :)

  3. Very nice curves, Mickey.

  4. Kitties always have the best curves!

  5. Hi Mickey,

    Thanks for stopping by and checking on Stray Kitty. He is already starting to feel better. After just 2 doses of meds he tried to pounce on Midnite. He's feeling better - is sitting right now on the scanner watching out of the office window for some of his lizard friends. Last night two little frogs got in the house and it was a contest to see which of them would capture it.

    Midnite & Stray Kitty

  6. Nothing in the world as curvy as a cat, and you have some very nice ones, Mickey!

    ~ Gracie

  7. Smashing curves Mickey - very, well, curvaceous:)

    About the guestbook thing, not sure, I've only just got it but I'll try! Thanks for signing it and if you stay there twice, well, that's twice as good (and I can live with the spelling mistake, lol!) :) xxx

  8. Yay Mickey, guestbook sorted:) Well, as far as you are concerned... What I can't do is edit my own location, it keeps reverting to what it says there now...*Sigh*. Oh well, never mind ay!!! xxx

  9. Mickey, give your mom a break. She is very busy taking care of you, so she has a lot to do. I like the curves. I curl up to sleep against mom in bed, so I bet that would be a great curve picture.


  10. Great choices for pix of curves!

    Mom changed my Desktop this morning and guess what she put on? Me!!! She listened to you and Parker! Thank you for convincing her. Sometimes she's just a little slow to catch on.

  11. Those are some very curvy figures.

  12. Cats are furry curvy, aren't they? hehehe! those is great pickshures of all of you!

    Thankies fur your purrs fur Brainball -- things are deffinitely bettur. Brainball has ated some extra stinky stinky goodness and Temptayshuns and efun some dry foodies! Momma will have an update soon!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  13. Great curves Micky! You are right cats are purrfect for this weeks curvy theme!
    Your FL furiends,

  14. Oh yes, very curvys. All of yous do a good jobs of it!

  15. All of you do curves very well :-)
