
Friday, 21 December 2007

Festive Friday

Our wonderful and talented friends at Zoolatry made these two very festive pictures.

This one is of the 3 of us, which is nice as we never want to be this close,heehee!

This is yours truly.Charming,debonair,handsome.......

We had a dusting of snow today.

Here is a picture of the snow on the ice candle holders Mom made.

She lit the tealight candle inside. Later , when there was a bit more snow, Mom started to brush

the snow off the ice candle and knocked it off the deck! Get another one out of the freezer Mom!!

Ice lanterns

In spite of the snow, our squirrel buddies still came for breakfast.

Yeah, we would like them FOR breakfast,heh,heh,heh!


  1. I am super love that ice candle hold. So creative and beautiful~!!!!!!!

    I hope you will have a wonderful holiday. I think we all ready for the Christmas~!!!


  2. Hey, I posted pictors frum Zoolatry today, too! Mom's curious bout yur eyes candells. Dad likes makin candells an we gots plenty of snow... Whatefur. I's stayin inside where it's warm an dry. Though hafin squirrels fur breakfast sounds... mmmm.

  3. oooOOOOOOooooo I love the candle holders! DKM! Make me one!

  4. Mom shood make some of dem, she did one year and hasn't since...hmm, skwerrels fur breakfast sounds really good.

  5. Those are great pictures from Zoolatry! And I've never seen a snow candle before!


  6. Those ice candle holders are very cool! Your Christmas graphics are wonderful. :)

  7. I'm with everyone else, how does one make those ice candle holders? You all look quite festive!

  8. Good idea for candle holders, and please don't eat the little squirrels for breakfast !

  9. Those are wonderful Christmas graphics. Have a great weekend :-)

  10. oooo how does you make those ice candles? mommy would like to put some out on Chrissymas eve, which is luminaria night in our neighborhood

  11. The graphics from Maggie and Zoey are grate. We also love the ice candles, 'cept we don't get ice here...

    abby and boo

  12. Great photos and I love the ice candle holder :)

  13. Wow, your Woman is actually useful! Congrats. They are very pretty.


  14. The ice candles are really made out of ice? Do you have to make them outside or in your freezer? They are very cool!

  15. Those are great pictures of you all! And look at all that ice and snow!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I just know that Sandy Paws will be paying you a special visit this year. Purrs!

  16. Great pictures - and that tea light holder is super cool (Mommy wants to make some now!).

    Hope you all have a very Meowy Christmas!

  17. Prettys! Mommy Bean loves the ice candles. I think squirrels would make great play toys!!

  18. Oh my darling moonshine! How pretty everything looks at your home rightnow. The ice lanterns are enchanting and I willmakemommy read more about them. Don't brush off the snow is magic don't you know! It comes from above a purrrrfect gift. Just not toooo much of a good thing some people would say. The sun is out here and it is very calm with an azure sky. I will spend the day inside the feather bed in mommies sleeping room. She better get the housework done before Lapdaddy gets home from work! {{{Get off the puter mommy now!}}}
    Maybe you can get a photo of the ice lanterns in the dark time? That would be so pretty:)
    Thank you for filling my day with such joy my sweet...
    Your sunshine

  19. I love Zoolatry's photo of all of you! Momma is always so impressed with what they do!!!


  20. You look great with that wreath frame, buddy. I love watching squirrels, too!
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  21. These are very lovely pictures the the Zoolatry kittles made you. we like them very much!

    The ice candle holders are very very lovely. I bet they look nice at night time. Purrrs ~~ Prinnie
