
Sunday 30 December 2007

Fickle Winter

Winter is cold. There is snow and wind and cold. It is the best season for naps because Mom turns the heat on :)

The landscape sparkles in sunlight.
Everything looks clean and white,even on cloudy days.
I am curious about snow. I would like to put my pawprints in that snow!

But then it rained and spoiled the white landscape ! Fickle winter!


  1. This winter has been weird here too in NJ. We got a lot of snow before it officially became winter and then all we've had is warm weather and rain since then.

    Your pictures are really pretty. I don't really have an interest in touching the snow. Mom tells me it's cold and I don't like cold.

  2. That is very very beautiful view, Mickey~!
    Thanks for sharing with me~!

    We have no snow here, so I always love seeing snow from yours photo!

  3. Mickey, we think there's going to be more snow tomorrow! Your yard does look very pretty though in your first two pictures. Keep warm.

    Mindy & Moe

  4. We just dropped in on Chey to find out you are the special Sunday guest star, Mickey. Congratulations!

    Mindy & Moe

  5. Mommy says snow is great if you gets to stay indoors. She was happy when we got rain and it melted all that snow.

    Are you sure you want to put your pawprints in that cold stuff? I got some on my paws and man it was too cold for me!


  6. I never seen white stuff like that afore. Was it yur Christmas purresent?

  7. I think the snow looks very magical!

  8. Our humans are very glad they aren't in Canada this year, with the winter that most of the country has been having! Here in Munich, it's been very mild, with no snow to speak of!

  9. Very beautiful photos.Yet get some snow shoes for your paws cause it's cold :)

  10. Those are some very wonderful photos, Mickey. I am really enjoying ahving mom home to cuddle with. I am not looking forward to her going back to work Wednesday.


  11. What wonderful weather to stay snug and cozy indoors and nap!

  12. Winter is so beautiful at your house, Mickey! We just have mud and cold.

    & the Artsy Catsy bunch

  13. Wow, you got lots of snow Mickey. Stay warm!!!!

  14. Ohhhh... fantastic AND BEAUTIFUL landscape!



  15. We are getting "darn rain" today.
    It is great for nappying.
    snuggly day to you Mickey

  16. Oh Mickey - what beautiful pictures!

    We had to sleep with all the windows open - it is so hot here. It was 35 celsius yesterday.

    We are thinking of you in the cold.

  17. Brrrrrr - way too cold for us!!! we had 12 hours of snow last year in Tucson and I think that is ALL I can ever take, hahahahahahaha
    Have a wonderful New Year!!!!
    Your friends from The Cat Realm

  18. Those pictures are magical. We never have snow so we envy you but perhaps you might like our balmy weather instead of the cold.

  19. We was looking at da snow in our back yard tonight and it was all sparkly, like diamonds.

  20. I like winter time cause the lady turns the air conditioner off. I hate that thing.

  21. Bean says snow it pretty until first truck go by. then it turns all brown and slushy. I stand in snow once, It was cold.

  22. Those are very nice pictures of the snow. Tell your Mom to do what Sunny's Daddy does. He brings in a little snow for Ollie and Rascal to play with. They like batting little snowballs around. (Sunny doesn't like it.) But your Mom could do that for you :-)
