
Friday 14 December 2007

Movie Night : CCSI-The Santa Caper

We are all ready for the showing og the fantastic show CCSI: The Santa Caper.

The premier was last night at Little Studios. This great show was written by our friends at The Cat Realm and directed by the talented Ruis. Be sure to check out all of the hot photos of the event(available at any of the listed sites).

Well,time to watch!!!! We are soooooooo excited!!! Chat later.


  1. Wow, yoo guys gots a media room wif nice comfy chairs! Say, looks like one is empty. Mind if we come over to yoor place and watch? We'll all share da one chair and we don't talk during shows. Heck, we don't even haf cell fones!

  2. By all means come over. We have Temptations!!!!!

  3. Watching CSI with tempatation???
    What a wonderful great time~!!

  4. We are very impressed with your set up! Well done!

  5. Dearest I am very impressed with your hospitality! How I wish I could be with you but I am off in the morning. Thank you for the pretty snowflake! I will see them where I am going:)
    Enjoy your will hard;y have time to miss me before I will return...maybe you can give me a private screening:)

  6. Wow, you are all set! The premiere was amazing. :) I am looking forward to the entire production! :)

  7. Wow Mom said she wood like a media room like what yu guys have...

    Abby and Boo

  8. Oh, we can hardly wait! Kitty stars, recliners and hot buttered Temptations ... what more could a cat ask for!!

    & everybody at Artsy Catsy

  9. Wow! What nice chairs. Do they have heat and vibrations like dad's? That is a really nice chair to snuggle in. With mom, of course.
    Can't wait to watch the production. Maybe next time I will audition for a part.


  10. Where's the Niptinis? The seats look sublime!


    Luf, Us

  11. You guys look comfy on that movie chair - we' can't wait for tonight either!

  12. Hahahahaha! Sitting in your recliners, watching TV with your Temptations! I wish I lived in your house.

  13. Oh, look what you have - comfortable chairs AND bags of Temptations - one whole bag apiece. Lucky cats!

    Moe & Mindy

  14. You all look so prepared!

    It was great, wasn't it? I can't wait until we get to see part II!

  15. Oh boy!!!! Can I conmez oevfur & sits in one of doze great BIG chairzez??? Could we burps a itty-bitty bit while we watchez da show? I may eats a WHOLE bag of doze treats. I hopes you bought a CRATE full.

  16. Oh this is AWESOME! I have to tell the crew about this - we might just all come over and join you!!!!!
    How do you like it so far????
    I think the second part tomorrow will even be better....

  17. O.K. I told Sassy and Ruis and Opus and Roscoe - so you better get some more Temptations out! I brought the champagne, so we are all set, hahahahaha!

  18. Looks like you folks are having a comfy view of the show. It's a great show, isn't it?

    Jan's Funny Farm

  19. Hi all, got Karl's message and came over to watch the show one more time befre I call it a day. Thanks for the invite. I have been wantin to get to Mickey's for awhile and this really worked out good for me to stop in. I might crash after the show so wake me up if ya need the chair.
    This is so comfortable . . . I. . . think I'm getting . . .zzzzzzzzzzz

  20. Karl woke me to tell about here.:) This looks like the PERFECT place to watch the show!! Temptations... (Oh don't tell Daisy..haha. ;) and champagne... oh my...

  21. YAWn.... zzzzzzzzz... oh... sorry, guys... Mickey, is it okay when I stay here for the night? Yawnnnn... zzzz

  22. Ahhh - Sassy and Ruis came over - thanks Mickey for letting us see the show here - I will just cuddle with Ruis and if it's o.k. with you sleep over too????
    I brought some more Dom Niptignon....

  23. Gee, what a setup you guys have! Comfortable chairs and you each have your own bag of Temptations. Talk about having it made!

  24. Everycat is welcome to stay over!!
    We have plenty of goodies :) and places to sleep.

  25. We missed the premiere last night :-( But we did get caught up today when we went to watch Part II. It's very good!
