
Thursday 10 January 2008

T13- Expressive Cats # 14

Before we enjoy the T13, please join me in wishing my Dear Miss Peach a wonderful

It pleases me no end that there are so many wonderful,beautiful cats in our Cat Blogosphere.

It also pleases me that our numbers continue to grow :)

(From last week. What is it about cats named Monkee/Monkey and trash cans? )


Meep & Twizzler

Golden & Shade

Honey P Sunshine

Jeter Harris

Bonus Pic: Pixie's best dog friend Bella


  1. So many nice friends it looks like ya have. When I saw everycat in the wastebasket I was wonderin if that was a time out spot. A big Happy Birthday to Miss Peach, will see her tomorrow at Karl's party for her, please all stop on by. Oh,stop by my place and see what Momo and I have been up to.

  2. That is a very nice collection of pictures of your friends Mickey! Congratulations on your Blogger of the World award!!!

  3. Oh Mickey, we really like Thursdays, because of this post.

    It makes our day! XX

  4. hehehehe~!
    Here comes more great great cats~!!!!
    I love your Thursday every week~!!! Always look foward for knowing all of your choices~!!!
    These are great cats as well~!!!

  5. We love your Thursday Thirteens of all of your cat friends. You always pick our really neat picturse.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  6. Another great collection of blogging cats, Mickey. :) Lovely card for Miss Peach! :)

    Don't forget Merlin is new to blogging too, even though Dragonheart's been around for a while!

  7. This was a fun round-up! Thanks for including Pixie. She was very excited and happy when I showed it to her!

  8. Those are lovely pikchurs of your kitty furrends.
    We wish Miss peach a furry happy purrfday too.

  9. My beloved Moonshine! You astound me with your wonderful gathering here each Thursday. The cats I meet here are all so fun to see. Some I know, some I do not.
    Thank you for the sweet vintage postcard you made for my birthday. I will treasure it always as I do our friendship my love. Today a little packet arrived from you! How purrrrfect for my birthday...I will tell all about it soon. Mommy has hung them on the fireplace mantel and they look so Victorian! Thank you so much my sweet. I will go to bed now so I might be fresh for the gathering at the tea table tomorrow.
    I look forward to holding your paw and dancing the night away.
    Love your Sunshine

  10. Another group of wonderful featured blogosphere members, Mickey. We always look forward to your posts on Thursday.

    Mindy & Moe

  11. Thanks so much for including us in your list! I am going to try to meet many more kitties!! What, Music need the computer for banking? Too bad!

    ~Goldie and Shadie

  12. Those are some cool kitties indeed! :D

  13. We truly look forward to your T13's the most! Thanks for doing this, it must take so much time. We didn't know many of these friends.


  14. Goodness . . . my mommy SQUEALED when she saw that last pic! I don't think I have any hearing left!

    Wonderful pictures yet again, Mickey! You always do such a great job. It is great to see all the new kitties blogging, isn't it? So many have started even since I began. It's exciting!

    See you at Miss Peach's party!

  15. We love love love yoo TT's. We always see more kitties we do not know...yet. Thanks Mickey, yoo da man(cat)!

  16. We do love your TT of all these wonderful photos!


  17. WE love your TT's they are the best!
    You have a lot of friends and you are loved by us!

    purrrrrs, Princess.

    ps: have a wonderful Birthday with your MissPeach.

  18. Wowie, we Ballicai always love yur Thursday Thirteenies of the kitty bloggiesphere kitties! The kitty bloggiesphere is the bestest place onna innernets, with wunnerful furriends like you!

    And we are so excited about yur sweetie Miss Peachy's 15th burfday -- we are so glad she has a wunnerful sweet and romantick mancat like you. And isn't her pawtay on Karl and Ruis's croose shippie fabyoolus!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  19. Lovely TT as always dear Mickey, I so look forward to them. Your birthday for darling Miss Peach is gorgeous! I thoroughly enjoyed the tea party that Karl and Ruis threw for her too. Now I am going to visit the cats I didn't already know from your TT. I wonder how many kitties Blogger will allow in one's blogroll? And please Bast, make time last longer so I can get to visit everycat more often...:) xxx

  20. Those are some great pictures, Mickey, as usual. Honey P. Sunshine looks like she ahs the run of the place. That must be fun.


  21. G'day Mickey, A belated big thank you for including us in your Thurday Thirteen post. It's a great idea of yours to pick out thirteen other blogging kitties for your post - there's some kitties we haven't met yet on your list, so we'll have get out and visit them this weekend.

    Purrs & headbutts

    Gypsy & Tasha

  22. Oh what a nice surprise to see my photo up there with such exquisite company! Thanks so much. I do look fabulous in that photo shoot on the rocks, don't I?
    Also, ML says thanks for the tail photos. Annie's tail is thick and blunt, too, and everyone else has either long, thin tails or floofy tails (ME). She has never had a cat with a fat, blunt tail, so now she knows (thinks) that Annie is not such a freak cat.
