
Thursday 31 January 2008

T13- Expressive Cats # 17

Guess what?!! It's Thursday and that means Expressive Cats!!!

Miss Kitty

Nubi Wan Kenobi celebrating his appointment as bodyguard to

Benjamin Fuzz

Diamond of Australia

Halloween the Cat

Bonus: The Event of the Year!! The Pending Nuptials of Karl and Ruis !!!!!!!!

The Proposal !!


  1. We liked the photo of Nubi celebrating best!!!!

  2. My love there are so many kitties here that I do not know...where have you found them all?
    It will be a grand event when Karl & Ruis close their bond...a union is a wonderful treasure for life.
    I have been appointed as royal lady in waiting to Queen Isis of Lovelynx during her kittening days ahead! Isn't that a wonderful honor?
    Next month will be so exciting with Valentines comeing soon<3
    Much love from me to you...

  3. I see some new faces!

    I am very excited that Ruis accepted Karl's proposal. With lizards and without!

  4. This is amost excellent TT13! Aren't Wrigley & Cobalt too cute?

  5. Another great post! Wrigley and Cobalt can give you a cavity, they are so sweet . . . and Karl and Ruis are sooo romantic! It's all too exciting. Thanks again, Mickey! Purrrrs.

    I just wanted to drop by and say hello to Georgia. Hi! =^_^=

  6. Another great collection of photos. :) Karl and Ruis' engagement is so exciting! :)

  7. We sawd our faces on your blog!! We must be famous or something. :-D We are so excited.

    Congratulations to Karl and Ruis! We are very excited for them. They look furry handsome together.

  8. We look forward to seeing your collection of kitties each week.We're furry happy furr Karl and Ruis

  9. We love your Expressive Cats Thursdays! And we've met some new kitties on this one, so it's time to go do some visiting!


  10. Excellent choices for Expressive Cats!

  11. We love them all, but Laila's is hysterical. We think it is great that you showcase all these wonderful expressions. Isn't it the neatest thing that Karl and Ruis got engaged? We can't wait for the wedding.

    Roxy & Lucky

  12. i love all these pictures, they're great, and congrats to the marrying kitties!

  13. I agree they are all cute but Lilahs is the whens the wedding? meow

  14. I also see some cats I've never met.
    "When's the wedding, we can't wait (2x)". Hahahaha. That's the question, huh? ;-) No, serious, we know it and keep it secret, you will know soon.

    Headbutts & Purrs
    ~Ruis (the happiest mancat in the universe!)

  15. Oh, we some kitties we don't know! Time to go make new frends. We are furry acited about Karl and Ruis' will truly be an event!

  16. Hi Mickey, Another great TT post and more kitty friends for us to visit.


    Gypsy & Tasha

  17. I must be famous...I'm very expressive. I'm so happy!


  18. What a wonderful post!!! There are some truly expressive and very cute cats on here!
    And we hope they will ALL come to our wedding party - date to be announced....
    Karl (the other happiest mancat in the universe)
    p.s. - T13 - did I count 14 cats PLUS the bonus - hahahahahahahahahahaha

  19. Hello Mickey, thank you for coming to visit recently. I've been very late in getting back to everyone...what can you do when your person isn't available to do the typing for you.

    Hey, I was surprised to see my photo on your blog! Thank you for including me. I don't think this is my best pose, but it is kinda funny.

    You remind me of my friend Smokey who lived here when I first came here. He got very sick and is not here any more....
