
Tuesday 19 February 2008

Loafing Around Tuesday

We had lots and lots of rain Monday. Mom said it should stop today.

I'm waiting for the sun to peek through the clouds. Oh,there is a little bit.

It went away again! :sigh: I want it to shine on my tummy.

There is not much to see when it rains hard . But you can see my tummy.

Cute isn't it :) !

Having bored sisfurs is not a good thing. I think I need a quiet place to have a nap.


  1. Yes, your tummy's adorable! I hope the sun comes out!

  2. Oh, those are great pictures of you all.....hope the sun comes out.

    Mindy & Moe

  3. You can come here! We finally got some sun!!!!

  4. We hope the sun comes out for you soon. It was kind of dreary here today too, but we didn't get any rain.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  5. I like Tillie and Georiga, both of your tummy is very sexy~!!! Michico wants to kiss them both~!!!!!!

    Mickey~! You are one greatest big brother~!!!!

  6. It is raining here too. Blah... Hope to see the sun later on. At least some of the snow has gone.

    Sweet belly indeed!


  7. Dear Moonshine! You look so regal in your post in front of the green door. I spent the day in my sunny window dreaming of the Victorian purse Valentine you sent me. I will be giving this much thought over this week and hope I can replicate one in fine style for Spring.
    Maybe I can slip myself inside of it and mail myself to you:)
    Your sunshine<3

  8. We hope the rain ends soon and the sun comes out! Adorable tummies on display there. :)

  9. They are all very cute!! Our favorite is the 3rd picture, the bean says she wishes she could rub your tummy for you.

  10. Mickey, when you said you were loafing around, I thought you were doing a kitty meatloaf impression!
    My sister Powder does those a lot. If you ever go to her Catster page you'll see what I mean!

  11. We have stopped having rain, which is a good thing. The lawn care people are here to trim the bushes back today.

  12. You do have a cute tummy Mickey. And we hate dull rainy days too - they just make us want to sleep all day in a warm spot--as opposed to a sunny day when we like to sleep all day in a sunny window --ha ha....
    Jackie, Gidget and Fritzy

  13. Georgia and Tillie, you both have adorable tummies! Mickey, I don't blame you. I would hide and nap, too. Can you believe that Holly was hissing and whapping at me this morning? Sheesh! Cranky sisters are no fun.

  14. Did the sun come out yet? Those are very nice picktures of yous. Rainy days are good for pickture takin'.

  15. Those tummies are really cute! Here's hoping for the sun!


  16. It is very hard to get a good tan when the sun will not come out!

  17. Lovely pictures of all of you, I'd love to snuggle with you all:) xxx

  18. Board sisters can be trouble! Empress starts going crazy and running around the house chasing inviable things! ~Queen Snickers

  19. You have VERY cute tummies...Momma says she wants to snorkle your tums...


  20. That tummy is so cute! You really look like a panther in the last photo Mickey with that regal expression and those visible clawsies!

  21. Mickey looks pretty comfortable. I'm hoping for more sunshine in the near future.:)

  22. Mickey you are a wonderful big brother. Your sisters are very lucky to have you, and they are super pretty too. Tummies need sun!

  23. We're all out of sun too - maybe in March...

  24. Those are gorgeous tummies :-) I'm sorry your sisters are getting on your nerves, Mickey, but they're young and don't know any better. I hope you were able to find your quiet spot away from them.

  25. Are yoo gettin cabin fever wif all dat rain?

  26. Those are very cute tummies. And yes, it is hard to have bored sisters, or sister. Lucky is just plain happy most of the time, so I don't have that problem.


  27. Mmmm... These boxes seem to be interesting... Muahahahaha!

