
Monday 11 February 2008

Mancat Monday

Sunday afternoon we had some more snow.

It was not a lot,but is swirled about with the wind.

It stopped just after supper.

Today is cloudy and there are flurries. It's a good day to watch my sisfurs play .

I hope they don't get into any arguments ,heehee.


  1. we hadded some snow here today too. and cold. very very cold. hope you are staying warm!!

  2. That snow sure does *look pretty coming down! I hope you have a warm day indoors!

  3. Wowww....More snow~!!!
    Stay in warm~!!!

    We will have another cold winds here tomorrow~!!! I have to hide in the blanket again~!!!!

    You are facing the snow, you are the man!!

  4. Da cold weather here has caused a truce to be called between my sisfurs. I neffur thawt I would say dis, but, it's kinda boring!

  5. No snow for us. We just had rain. Of course, they are still keeping certain parts of the ski area closed due to avalanche danger because we got it all last week!

  6. KC said,
    Wow, Mickey, those are beautiful photos. You look nice and warm and snug inside.
    Great mancat photo, too.
    Purrs, KC

  7. I'm sorry it is still snowing there, it is finally feeling like spring here. I'll try to send some your way!


  8. All that snow looks very cold! Stay safe and warm, Mickey!

  9. We still don't have snow its been a warm winter in the UK but sometimes at night is verry cold and we snuggle momma under the blanky on the couch. Tillie's box sure looks comfy!

  10. Brrrrr! We are getting a foot of snow today and tomorrow. Sigh...

  11. I know, enough with the snow already! We had about 6 inches and it still is coming down. They are going out to shovel soon, I will snoopervise from the window.


  12. Those are some big snowball snowflakes! We don't have snow like that here in Texas, and almost never have snow!

  13. Stay inside, warm and comfy. We did not have snow, but he had a bit of cold snap last night. It's going to warm up again today.

  14. What cools pictures! I's never seen snow likes that! I gaved you an awards so check my Monday posted.

  15. I think I would enjoy watching the swirly snow come down!

  16. Oh more snow - well at least you've got Tillie and Georgia to keep you entertained!

  17. Mickey,

    Wowza, purrty soon you will needz a sled to get out of da housee. (Or your beanz will!)

    Tank you so much fur purrin' & prayin' fur Delilah. She haz a message fur evfurry one dat I would likes to passee on:

    Thank you so much for visiting while I was so very ill. Mommy thinks I almost died Friday night, so I am rebounding quickly. Mommy now believes I might be allergic to a wasp sting. It was nice to hear that all the kitties of the blogosphere were purring & praying. It helped me to have heart, and my mommy was so appreciative for all of the love.
    We hope you will join us for Dr Tweety's Valentine's cruise. More details will be posted later.

    Many blessings,

  18. Watching the girl kittys is the most important job Mickey. You do's a good job I bet!

  19. Sigh, I am so tired of the snow!

  20. tee hee hee, i'm not sure i believe you don't want to see your sisters fight....

    it is supposed to snow tonight here. yuck, that makes the beans unhappy. i'm glad you're all snug and warm inside!

  21. tee hee hee, i'm not sure i believe you don't want to see your sisters fight....

    it is supposed to snow tonight here. yuck, that makes the beans unhappy. i'm glad you're all snug and warm inside!

  22. We are expecting more on Wednesday. Are you, as well? With sleet and freezing rain, too.

    Roxy & Lucky

  23. Our girls don't get along either. Sometimes all that arguing really gets old.
