
Sunday 16 March 2008

Easy Like Sunday

After some snow yesterday, it's sunny today. That means we can snooze in the sun.

That is one of my favourite pastimes when Mom is busy. Even Tillie and Georgia are snoozing. Look how close they are.

I wonder if Georgia is thinking about whapping Tillie,heh,heh,heh!


  1. Ooo ... A sunny spot is purrfect for a nap (or ten). It's overcast here at my house with no sunny spots today.

  2. Snoozing in the sun is great!

    Mickey, I tagged you for a meme!


  3. Oh my beloved Moonshine! Mommy has been a slave driver making me do all the dusting around the cozy cottage. All I want to do is sleep in my burrito. I think I will hide her morning coffee hee hee! It rained to day and it was wonderful to listen and watch it! I see winter has come back to your isle. Gosh I hope I can put in a good word with the sun and have it melted away fast before Earl and his buddies go hungry.
    Diamond made you all some beautiful scrapbook pages!! She is a doll isn't she!! I might have to borrow one...can you guess which one?
    I spy mommy getting ready for bed now...maybe I will hurry and get there first! My dreams are always about you and our sweet friendship:)
    Please spring hurry and stay here for my Mickey...

  4. Watch out for that Whap, Tillie!

  5. Sun! Glorious Sun! We might get some today! If we do it's nap time in the sun!

  6. We hope we get some sun too. At least it's stopped raining.

  7. Snoozing in the sun is one of my very most favorite hobbies!

  8. It was sunny here this morning and I snoozed a bit but now the sun has gone behind the clouds again... sigh.

  9. Georgia does kind of have a "To Whap or Not To Whap" look on her face, doesn't she? Hey, that was a little more than a dusting of snow you got the other day..unless you guys call 8 cm. a "dusting"-it's never gonna melt up there!

  10. Sun! We love the sun. It came out late today and we really like it. We like those pictures.


  11. Whapping and snoozing are two of my favourite things to do. FAZ

  12. Snoozin' iz almost az good az boozin'. (Well, I mean hazzin' niptiniz, not da people kind.)

  13. Tillie and Georgia look cute snoozin close togethur and you look cute snoozin, too, Mickey! I wundur if the gurls will start whappin? I like to whap -- it's a good way to get a rasslin match goin!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  14. Looks like you are having a relaxing Sunday! We Ballicai are, too. And Dorydoo and I haven't whapped each other today -- we do well as long as we each maintain our purrsonal space, *smile*!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
