
Monday 3 March 2008

Mancat Monday

I'm just relaxing and trying to keep an eye on things. They are still working on the water leak.
They were able to locate the leak but it is in a very unaccessable place :(
The shower fawcet has a leak in the pipe and there is NO access panel. This means they have to go into the adjoining room and cut a hole in the wall in order to fix the leak. This means that part of the house has hot water and the other part does not. This might take a few days to fix.
Mom's sister,Mrs Quilter and her husband came over to help with the work.
Funny how things want to break in the wintertime,heehee!
I'll do my Mancat duty and purr for Mom when she finally helps me do my blog :)


  1. Oh man, that just bites big time! We are so sorry. I guess it could be worse. In the mother's day flood a couple of years ago, the basement was under water, no more than 8 inches (mom had a pump working) but still, it stunk.


  2. Kitties do such a great job of supervising. The moral support is invaluable! Hope your water leak is fixed soon--they are no fun.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  3. Wow! This sounds like it will be quite the project. I hope everything goes well.

  4. Mickey you look so very adorable their. We think purring for your mom will help ease the stress.

    We wish your house all the luck in fixing the leak!

  5. That sounds like a big project, and I bet there'll be lots of noise! That's not good.

  6. Oh my dearest Moonshine! I am so sorry to hear about your water woes also!! We had a pipe burst in the garage and flood the floor a few years ago. Mommy freaked! Then the water heater sprung a leak in the closet and flooded the carpet. We put the new one in the garage since misery likes company! Now the bathroon fawcet leaks so one of my litter pans is catching drips! The tub fawcet leaks too and also our nice new Victorian toilet tank has a crack in it that leaks! YIKES! When the Lapdaddy gets recovered he haslots of work to do. I am glad the manbean and Mrs. Quilter will be able to help.
    In our mountain cabin the pipes froze and sprung a leak on winter and flooded the beautiful Berber capret. Mold grew thick up the walls due to the moisture...what a mess. Life is always an adventure. It could be having no water at all. We made a 5 gallon bottle last for our whole trip to Portland last week! Mommy heated a little in the morning to warm up my cat food:)
    Gosh maybe you should come over here and we can have a nice tea party, I am always thinking about you my love.
    Your SUnshine

  7. Wow, Mickey. I feel bad for your mom. Make sure you purr extra hard for her! Plumbing problems are no fun at all. :(

  8. Oh noooo! I hope your Mom is able to fix this soon with the help of her sister and sister's husband. What a PITA.

  9. It .... comes to a nice pass very much. It prays that the repair end early.

  10. I certainly do sympathize, as our plumbing is old and sucky and have water all over the house sometimes too. Efurry thing about the house is old and sucky, but maybe that why Bean like it so, it reminders her of herself. LOL!

    Hope things get fixed up soon!

  11. Oh we hope that is gets fixed soon for you - plumbing is such a bother!

  12. We have had many plumbing problems, even in brand new houses, and even a burst pipe that flooded everything and we had to stay in a hotel for a few days. And last Christmas, our one-year-old water heater broke and had to be replaced. We hate water problems! Hope yours get all fixed soon.

  13. How come it always leaks in the spot you can't get to? Sure hope you can get that fixed real soon!

  14. That's muy no fun, Mickey. And it's always the warming things that break when it's cold outside, and the cooling things that break when it's hot outside, isn't it?

  15. Oh no! We had a leak too but we think Dady mananged to fix it without cutting a hole in the wall (we thought he was going to have to). We hope your leak is fixed just as easily!

  16. We hope you can get your leak fixed soon. Leaks are no fun, speshully in the winter.

  17. Ooops!That wuz us commenting, not our mum.

  18. WE know , that's always the way. Hope things go well and you get hot water soon.

    Don't get too tired out snoopervising!!


  19. We had a pipe burst under our sink.
    There was water every where.Hope things get better :)

  20. That's so cute, rolling around. And keeping an eye on things. We have people coming to fix stuff tomorrow morning, maybe Luna will watch from above :)
