
Saturday 29 March 2008

Photo Hunt - High

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is - HIGH

My catnip plant grew HIGH this summer!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, smells good!!

Tillie likes to lay HIGH up on the cabinet.

Now she can look Mom in the eye, heehee

Georgia likes to sit up HIGH in the fireplace nook!

Oops! She must have spotted a treat down LOW ! Hahaha!!


  1. Mmm, that catnip plant looks mighty tasty. Are you all starting to nibble on it?

    Tillie, you are such a little charmer! You look very cute lying there in your drawer. :)

    And we love seeing your fabulous tortie coat, Georgia! You are so pretty. Hope you got the treat!

  2. Mickey, we are jealous that your catnip is so luxurious and high. Ours is so pitiful and tiny. We are embarrassed to say we have a picture on our blog of it.

    Mindy & Moe

  3. Wow! Georgia looks comfy in those high places for rest :)
    My PH here & here

  4. nice photos mickey, georgia is a brave cat, maybe it is the catnip

  5. Hmmm.. I did not know that you can grow catnip at home. Maybe I can consider having the "fast food" gown indoor.. haha.

    Tillie sounded like my Jess. She's always sleeping on different shelves of my cabinet :P

    You know Georgia really blends in well against the color of the wall. She's such a stalker at such a high place.

    Anyway, I got you linked :) Do drop in for my Catsophere magazine update every Monday :P

  6. You've got high covered on all counts.

    The Woman wants to say that the book she was reading isn't worth it. After all of that, it's basically a sales pitch for subliminal tapes made by Inner Talk. I mean it's okay if that's what you want but if you want another book like Tolle's--not worth your time!!!

    She is so mad right now because she feels like she wasted her time.

  7. I hope you have a safety net when you are up that high.

    Simba x

  8. Today I am so very high because Miral has eaten and wandered the house a little and Momo is better too! That is a natural HIGH for me! I am also high because YOU are in my life:)
    Today it rained, hailed, windy storms and sunshined ...all in one day!!!! The weather gods can't make up their mind!
    Much love to you dearest

  9. Gosh, look at Miss Peach's weather! Crikey!

    Love your "high" photos. Mom did a "high tide" photo hunters on Kaleidoscope.

  10. Those are good high photos. Does the catnip make you high?

  11. Grampy just planted some catnip for us! Hooray! Georgia, you are camouflaged very well in that fireplace nook!

  12. Those are all terrific examples of high! You all look great. That catnip plant is very high - you are very lucky to have it!

  13. Mickey you always have the neatest pictures and your HIGH pictures are A+! We are going to make our Mom get us a live catnip plant this year. Yours is magnificent! Have a great weekend.
    Your FL furiends,

  14. I love tillie's high up spot. Itz great!

  15. Didja get high on da high catnip plant? Yoo guys always look so cute...

  16. Very neat~~!! Michico always can't keep my nip growing, she could only plant my cat-grass.
    And I think Tille is very sweet to your beans, while Tillie at the same eyesight height as human, beans don't need to raise the head or lower, hehehe~!!!
    Georgia is very cute!

  17. You look like flying cats !!

  18. I didn't know catnip grew that high...and what about kitty up there in that brick alcove....How am I going to get down?(he/she is thinking)Great photos for the hunt

  19. Those are all good examples of high!

  20. Great "high" post. Did you all get "high" off all that nip?

  21. Getting up high is one of the best things about being a cat! I love that fireplace nook, it looks like a perfect spot.

  22. Great nip plant! Plan on having a party soon with that?

  23. That's a lot of catnip you have there Mickey, although I think I like Tillie's spot on the fire place myself.

    We made this picture of our favorite vintage pair and I thought maybe it needed something else, but I'm not so sure.

  24. That is an awesome nip tree! Also, we liked that you showed lots of different "High" pictures. Very cool!

  25. Those are neat high places. And neat high photos. I don't like to go too high. I am not so sure I could get down.
    ha ha


  26. WHOA lucky you. You grew catnip plants. WOW!!! We have GOT to get that!

  27. Nice cat you have. Cats really are good at jumping high. Sometimes, I wish I can jump as high as them too. :P
