
Friday 7 March 2008

We Love Sunshine

What a funny, strange week we have had. It snowed and rained Saturday night.
Flurries on Sunday,sunny on Monday and most of Tuesday. Wednesday we had freezing rain for 9 hours before it changed to rain! Thursday was sunny and warm. Friday!! Woohoo!!! It's sunny again!! Mom says it's gonna rain like crazy tomorrow, but that's tomorrow. Plus, I don't go out so I don't care ,heehee.
All I care about right now is how good the sun feels on my furs!!
I'm jusy going to lay here and enjoy myself. How about you girls?
Oh Mickey, I love the warm sun too . I like this spot. What do you think Tillie?

I agree Georgia, this is a great spot. I will even share it with you!

See!!!!!!! Sometimes we actually do get along!

Yeah, how about that!!!



  1. Hi Mickey! That is some wild weather you are having. I have never seen snow, but I know about the stormy rain. Sounds like a good time to nap and snuggle. Hey, we had bean company for dinner tonight and I showed them the card you sent me, and the treats and toys. They said you were very sweet to send me the presents!

    Many purrs, Halloween

  2. Hi Mickey! That is some wild weather you are having. I have never seen snow, but I know about the stormy rain. Sounds like a good time to nap and snuggle. Hey, we had bean company for dinner tonight and I showed them the card you sent me, and the treats and toys. They said you were very sweet to send me the presents!

    Many purrs, Halloween

  3. You all have a great spot to snooze!

  4. Sharing sunbeams is a great way to strike up friendship!

  5. Wow..... I am very happy for you, having sun is very good for health~!
    I can see you all enjoy very much~!!! This week we also have good sunshine, too. But tomorrow will be turn cloudly and rainy again.

  6. It's great that the sun has come out more, is'nt it? I love that I gots to sit in my fresh air seat again this week. I hopes the weather stays this way for all u s kittys!

  7. The snowstorm of the decade. That's what we're getting this weekend....

  8. The worst storm in a squillion years. That's what we're getting this weekend... But it's lovely and sunny today. Enjoy your sun and I hope it stays that way for you:) xxx

    P.S. Great expressive white cats yesterday!

  9. We've had weather almost that weird. Of course the last couple of days have been kinda nice... who knows?

  10. How old are the girls Mickey? I just wonder if you all like to lay around of if one of them is youngster, like to tug on tail when rest wish to enjoy sunshine.

  11. That's some wild weather, but we're happy you guys are getting some sun! We'd love to get a bit too!

  12. Mickey

    WE have your rain right's been pouring cats and wait a minute ... it has not... geesh Momma is trying to be funny....

    But it is raining!

  13. I hear ya on the crazy weather. Here it was warmish and we had the windows open for a bit in the afternoon. Today is in the low 40' windows will get open today.

    But you and the girls do look quite cozy.

  14. We've had weird weather this week, too. Thankfully no snow or ice was involved. It's pouring here today and will continue to pour until Sunday.

    Someone should be having nice weather, so I'm glad it's you and your family having it. Enjoy!

  15. Hi to the three of you! Good thing you will be inside tomorrow, lotsa rain. It would still be nice to have the sun shine though - it warms the furs and da rain doesn't. Mom says we hafta remember to put our clocks forward one hour - hope this doesn't mess up our snacks.

    Mindy & Moe

  16. I'm so glad to hear you had some sunshine to relax in!

  17. Yup, I think we are getting the same rain as you. Except we have to go out in it. Yuk. But it was mostly sunny today, then it clouded over. It was sunny Wed & Thursday, though.

