
Friday 25 April 2008

Friday Memeday

I was tagged by Pretty Princess
and the the lovely Alexi
for the Six Word memoir.
I will share this with my sisfurs too.

Here are the rules:

1) Write your own six word memoir.

2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.

3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.

4) Tag at least five more blogs with links.

5) Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

6) Have fun!!

Tillie : Life's grand when Mom spoiles you!

Georgia : Getting brushed and Mom's cheek scritches!

Thanks to our friends at Zoolatry for my 'Word' picture

Mickey: Grass,grass, pick me some Mom!


I will tag Roxy & Lucky and Simba
and TT (and her siblings if they want to play)


  1. Grass Grass? When you could have ham ham ham ham ham ham? My goodness, you really do like grass.

  2. Those were good memoirs! I miss grass!

    Mickey tell your mom I'll be right over!


    PS. My OTW says Thanks!

  3. These are good one meme~!! Well done, with bean's spoiled everything is perfect~!!

    I want some grass as well, Mickey~!!! Recently our weather is not well, Michico just back there is no grass for me yet :<

  4. Awww, all three of you did a superduper job on yur six word memoir! And Mickey, you sure love yur kitty grass!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  5. They are really good. I'll have to get to work on mine.

    Simba x

  6. Your six word memoir are really great!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Mickey. You are a very handsome cat!

  8. That is a great meme. I have never had grass, at least I don't think so.....would I like it?

  9. Those were grate memoirs!
    Mickey you do love your green green greens.



  10. Very good meme. Is grass really good? Jack has never tried it and Dante is not saying...

  11. An expression eating grass loves the best.

  12. This is sooo cool that you like grass.
    I should beg mom to pick us some and see if we like it...
    Your sisters are sooo sweet and it is very wonderful that you three are soo soo loved

    Life is grand!

  13. I like your memoirs! Mickey, you look very cute and funny examining that single blade of grass.

  14. Yay grass!!!!! All of your memoirs were great too!

  15. We really enjoyed your memoirs! We love grass too. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  16. Those are great six word memoirs. Great pictures too.

    Mindy & Moe

    PS our grass is getting greener.

  17. All the memoirs are great, but I think I like Tillie's the best: Life's grand when Mom spoiles you! But then again, that's what your Mom is doing for all of you every day!

  18. I will has to think of the words and post them Saturdays! Thank you Mickey =)

  19. Awww, all of you did such a good job on your six word memoirs! Just precious -- and your pictures are precious, too!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  20. Thanks Mickey, I will have to think of how to answer this. I know what Lucky's answer will be.

