
Friday 18 April 2008

Friday Stuff and Fagin

I was tagged by Sly for the book meme.

Hey Sly, I have that same picture !!!!!

As I have done this,my sisfurs Tillie & Georgia will do it.

It's been a while as they could not agree on a book,heehee

Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. We will not tag anycat, so feel free to do it if you like :)

" Very good my lady. I fancy there will be time between lunch and dinner to effect a clearance of the kitchen chimney, provided there is no interference from the police. Would your ladyship wish me to instruct the sweep accordingly?"

From the book "Busman's Honeymoon" by Dorothy L Sayers ( A Lord Peter Wimsey mystery)

Welcome to the Blogosphere Fagin.

We thought you might like to know a few things about your name.

Have fun sailing on the Black Furball with Captain Jack and Sir Dante



  1. Oh DKM loves those books. I don't approve of them because the take away from valuable ear rub time! ~Fiona Bun

  2. That was really cool. Mom will have to try that with my name. As for the book meme, mom still has to do it.


  3. Our Mommy loves those books too!

    And we love your name information for Fagin - it just gives more proof to the fact that it's a wonderful name!

  4. I love the Lord Peter Wimsey books. You did some neat research for little Fagin. He has a really special name.

  5. Those are interesting facts about young Fagin's name and he is a very cute kitten.

    Those mystery books are the best.

    Mindy & Moe

  6. Thank you my beloved for doing such a great job researching little Fagins name. He is such a sweety pie too. You set his mommy at ease in your wonderful mancat way:) that is why I love you:)

  7. Goodness where is my head. I was not finished yet:) Why is your computer sick?
    I adore your photo today...swoon...
    I also have to do the book meme...I am so behind with things to do it seems that I will never catch up...hey isn't that some red stuff you put on fries hee hee:)
    I barfed tonight when mommy was at her busiest...she is real glad she has a great cat like me these days...she said something like she can't wait to catapult herself in to the tropics! I just know I am going to get to come along!! Somehow I will arrange it....
    Love your sunshine

  8. I think Mummy should have put that much thought into my name. I should really have a coat of arms.

    Simba xx

  9. The PM is going to have to check out that book. She loves mysteries.



  11. Fagin was loved and accepted by all of us even before we knew he'd stays with Capt Jack and Sir Dante! Him and all the kittens on the blogosphere should have party soon, to celebrate their furever homes! (Any reason for a catnip party is a good one, don't you thinks?)

  12. Purrs and head butts to you Mickey. It was great that you dug that info out on Fagin's name. That will show show old bat who posted nasty things on their blog!

  13. fagin is adorable, his Crest shield is magnificent! x

  14. Nice work tracking down the info on little Fagin. He's a lucky guy to be with such caring humans.

  15. Lots of interesting information about Fagin's name! It was nice of you to look all of that up. :)

  16. mickey, you is one swell kitty!! furry excellent work on bolsterin' li'l fagin's ego wif the history of his name. this kinda thing is what the blogosphere is all about!

    the meowers

  17. Nice work Mickey.
    Smooches to you on this wonderful Friday!

  18. Oh wow! Mickey, this is just wonderful! Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to do so much research about the little guy's name. We didn't know it was Gaelic - so we guess that he will be an Irish pirate just like Jack!! And the Coat of Arms and Crest are really cool too! Now we know what to put on his personalized pirate flag when he gets older and becomes a full crew member. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    The Purrageous Pirates

  19. Mickey, you are one great kitty to look all that up for little Fagin! Purrs to one handsome and thoughtful panther mancat!

  20. Mickey, that was wonderful! So Fagin means courageous! Which is Purrfect... a courageous Purrageous Pirate! It should also mean a cute little furball!

  21. Hooray for finding out more about Fagin's name. To me, Fagin means sweet little adorable baby kitten that I love.

  22. Fantastic post today Mickey - especially after the silly comments left by some idiot concerning Fagin's name! That's two paws up to them! Well done! x

  23. with a wild herb lilt to it. Only a few top white bordeaux are exclusively sauvignon blanc, notably
    Pavillion Blanc from Chateaux Margaux. As for

    From: The Wine Bible by Karen MacNeil

    I got the meme done!-- was I supposed to do it here?

  24. Fagin is a wonderful kitten with a wonderful name :-)

  25. Fagin is a very nice name for this cute littel boy. What wonderful meanings and the coat of arms is beautiful... I like that griffin with wings!

    Honorable name for such a nice kit.
    I am glad to meet him. You are a great friend, Mickey, to everyone!
    I hope you have a delightful week-end full of sunshines!

    purrrs and love always

  26. That sounds like an interesting book!

    How neat that you did all that research on Fagin's name!

  27. Oh - you are a mystery reader like we all here!!!! And such interesting information about the name Fagin!
    We are so happy that the Black Furrbal will sail on!!!!

  28. Another mystery reader? All of mom bean's books are mostly mystery, but their all in the living room.

    Pretty intersting name, Fagin.


  29. that sounds like a girlie book. i like books about cars and football.

    what a sweet little face Fagin has!

  30. WOW Fagin is adorable! Fanks for introducing me to him! That sure is some interestin stuffs about his name!

  31. That sounds intriguing (I had Mom help with me spell that one!). Mom has read some Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries but it has been a while. Maybe she will pick one up at the library soon and read it to me.

    Fagin is sooooo cute!

  32. This is a great post Micky. Fagin is a furry good name furr a purrageous pirate.
    Mum puts her pots in the greenhouse to overwinter, then in the Spring we sit in them to help the bulbs grow.
