
Monday 14 April 2008

Mancat Monday

I was sitting around this weekend thinking about my friends.
I feel sorry for Ruis and his family because Miral went to the
I am also sorry for the cats and beans at the Sextet Speaks.
Her Majesty crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
She was almost 14 years old, and passed in her sleep.

Then, I heard the best possible news about some other friends

that were missing!

Lilli Lu, Mu Shue and Iris were found and they are OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the purrayers from the Cat Blogosphere worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is sunny today too,what a wonderful day! I am so happy!

Mom found a Johnny Jump Up poking through the old leaves.
Daylilies pushing up to embrace Spring and the glory of life!!!!!

It is a happy day indeed and I am happy Mancat !!!!!

Miracles DO happen :)


  1. We're happy you're finally getting some Spring.

  2. That was a very good summary of this weekend!
    Please be so kind to come by our blog, there is a party invitation and an award for you!

  3. I hope your whole week is happy, Mickey!

  4. You are very thoughtful Mickey, it's a great quality in a real mancat!
    We were overjoyed that our friends are back with their Mom!

  5. You look like you are enjoying the sun, Mickey.

    It is so sad that Miral and Her Majesty have gone to the Bridge. :(

    We are very happy that Mu Shue, Lilly Lu and Iris are safe!

  6. it's been a rough weekend around the cat blogosphere. but at least we could go to bed happy last night about MuShue, LillyLu and Iris

  7. It has been a very rough week and we need a purr-break. We are happy Laura and the kitties are reunited!

    Your mom found a flower! That is great. Everything here is covered again in white but I know it'll go soon!

    Purrs, Goldie

  8. We're enjoying the sun, too! Though it did get a little too hot here for a bit, at least by cat standards. Glad to see the flowers appearing.

    We were really happy about the news that Laura and kitties were back together and safe! It's been such a hard weekend.

  9. We are so happy for Laura and Lilly Lu, Mu Shue,and Iris!
    There have been smiles and tears this weekend.

    Mom said you are a very handsome Mancat!

    ~ Napoleon

  10. I am so happy that there was some good news this weekend!

    I have never seen a Johnny Jump Up before. It looks pretty.

  11. Mickey...there is a posting that was sent to me about a 'Found Cat', you may want to swing by and check it out, hee, hee..


  12. I'm thankful for those miracles, too, Mickey..I don't think life would be bearable without a miracle every now and then.

  13. Much very happy and sad news this weekend. I'm glad you're having a great day, and that it's sunny there :-)

  14. It certainly was an eventful weekend!

  15. Isn't it just fantastic news about Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and little Iris? I am so happy!

    Now, pack your guitars, hats and dancing boots and head off to Karl's to celebrate his blogoversary. We have earned lots from our pre party busking and will be sharing our Temptations.

  16. It was a rough weekend, but it's nice to have some good news on Monday!

  17. I do love johnny jump ups. we have them too. They are happy flowers.

    Ah, you are such a great friend, Mickey. I am so happy to know you.

    purrs always

  18. MEW!!! Me and Mummy soo very very happy bout this! I gonna go post bout it now! MEW!!! Mummy says you look lovely enjoying the spring day!

  19. The sunshine is great! With
    sunshine there's rain.... I am
    sad for the kitties lost to the
    bridge and happy for the kitties found. Spring is almost here, that's something to smile about.

  20. We's got the nip and we's doin the snoopy dance! It's been a great end of a w/e to a start of one we's think!

  21. Yes, Mickey, miracles do happy. We are sad and glad, just like you.
    It is spring, and that is good.


  22. The jojhnny jump up is adorable! I just love them, they are mommies favorites also! Gods little volunteers she calls them:)
