
Tuesday 22 April 2008

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Do you know what Mom did this weekend?
She only helped us blog a little bit!!!

Mom went to a flea market!! Why does she want fleas?
She gives us stuff to make sure we DON"T have fleas!!!

Well, she came home with chocolate chip muffins (gone) and a pile of books!!!!

We haven't seen her much since! How can she prefer books to cats?!!!!!!!!


  1. Yeah, how can mom's sit and read books when der is a kitty sitting right next to her.

  2. Does she need a flea collar now?

  3. Why would you want to buy fleas? Humans really are strange.

    Simba xx

  4. Hope she didn't bring any fleas home! Our mommy reads a lot...but we sit on her and purr! Great combo!

  5. Flea Market? :) I hope she enjoys her new books.

  6. Maybe she will read to you. My Bean reads to me.

  7. Fleas at a market? This makes no sense!

  8. Mai Mommie lyks ta reed lots too. I donna mynds soo much. Corners of da books arr gud fur scritches and the pagies arr fun ta bitey. Mommie dosna seem ta fink so doh, but she givs me sum scritches ta mayks me stop soes it all wurks owt. Hehehe.

  9. Ooooh . . . Daphne Du Maurier . . . mommy likes her!

    I lay on mommy's books when she tries to read them to let her know she is supposed to be paying attention to ME.

  10. Oh, but you can get some serious laptime while she reads!

  11. You should put a drop of that flea stuff on her neck before she goes out next time. An when she reads her bookies, sit on her lap an give her head butts every couple minutes to remind her that you is there. They forget sometimes.

  12. That's a very good question. Our humans both seem to love reading books too. We frequently have to sit on the book, or impose ourselves between our humans' faces and the book they happen to be reading.

  13. Eww.. a market for fleas. I have heard they have a circus for them too. I do not think that fleas should have so many rights...

  14. Wait - your Mom went to a palce where they sell fleas? That's just not right!

  15. fleas? Wow!

  16. It looks like our Mums like to read similar books. My Mum is a mystery nut. She finds an author then reads every book they have written, then she whines and whines until she finds a new author.

    I like it when she reads though - it means her lap stays in one spot and I can get a good rest.

  17. A market for fleas? Hmmmm, that sound dangerous! We would stay away from it if we were you.

    Wishing you a happy earth day!
    opus and roscoe

  18. I never realize fleas had their own markets. Very interesting.

  19. You shoulds gets some of that squirty stuff that mommy bean puts on us, it would surely keeps your mom away from flea's then!

  20. hehe, my momma loves books, too. And I don't know why anybody would wanna go to a FLEA market -- fleas are ITCHY!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  21. Oh my, fleas. What an awful thought! I cannot imagine anybody wanting to purchase fleas.

    But books are nice! Mom loves to read them and write them, and I love to nap on them!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  22. My mom comes home with books too. At least that means I can sit in her lap. With Lucky. We could do without the fleas, though.


  23. Fleas?!? Yikes!!! You may have to get her a flea collar. :)

    Your mom sounds like our mom. Our mom loves books. The best part of books is when mom reads them, we can snuggle up with her.

    Sorry I haven't been visiting much the last week or so. My mom has been out of town and I need her thumbs to type and use the mouse.

    Take care!
    -Jasper McKitten-Cat

  24. I would love to go flea-ing! The
    flea market here is 150+ miles
    away and doesn't open until May.
    I've never brought home fleas,
    just good stuff at great prices!

  25. Our Momma doesn't stay home to blog with us on the weekends either. Auntie Kimmie tells us Momma is addicted to the Half Price Books store.... whatever that means. She does have lots of books as well. Good thing too cuz that made it easy for us to find a book when we were tagged for your page 123 meme!!!!

  26. meh bean haz been soooo lazy lately. She doesna blog as much. I kick her later.

  27. Those fleas sell some cool stuffs tho. Hope the fleas stayed at the market, heh, heh.

    Mindy & Moe

  28. I hope she left the fleas there! I have the same problem with my Mom when she brings books home. Sometimes I have to nudge her (not so) gently before she pays attention to me.

  29. OOOhhhh you're gonna love reading Rebecca--I did a post on Du Maurier and Rebecca a while back-- I discovered she also wrote "The birds" (The movie always creeps me out--too many birds for one small cat!)

  30. There's so much about your Mom's weekend I cannot understand. One of which is why would she prefer a pile of old books to you 3 cats?!?!
