
Saturday 7 June 2008

Photo Hunt- Bad Hair

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : BAD HAIR

The only one in this house with BAD HAIR is Mom !

See, she looks like Cousin Itt , a member of the Addams Family!!!

Tillie : WE cats look after our hairs !!

We groom all the time, so our hairs are looking nice, see !!

Georgia : The only time we might have BAD HAIR , is if Mom messes it up.

Look what she did to my hairs !!!!!

Mickey: Look, I'm tellin' ya, Mom should have hair like us :)

Then,she would always look good! Hahahahaha!!!!!

At least as good lookin' as me ,heh,heh,heh!


  1. You all look lovely and so does your mom! Our mom was TOO VAIN this week to do photohunt - she has laryngitis as well, so she says that is her excuse. But it hasn't stopped her making digital scrapbook pictures.
    Nope - TOO DARN VAIN we say!

  2. Cousin It! Hahahaha! Georgia, are you gonna let her get away with that?

  3. well you cats still look remarkably beautiful of course! Your human, on the other least she made an effort with her lipstick!haha j/k


  4. LOL, humans do the strangest things. You cats look very sleek.

    Simba x

  5. Hahaha that's a funny pikchur of your mum.

  6. We cats do work hard at taking care of our hairs. Priorities, right?

    Mindy & Moe

  7. I think your Mom has pretty hair. At least it's neat, unlike mine. Maybe she could give me a better 'do'

    ~ Miss Emily

  8. It's nice of your Mom to groom you a lot so that your hairs stay all nice and not bad.

  9. hehe, that's a funny picture of your Mom! And of course you all have gorgeous hair!

    Have a great weekend all of you!

  10. I think this was a very unfair theme for cats. After all, as you say, we never have bad hair!

  11. Hah! The hoomans haf so many problems wif der furs...

  12. Your mom has lots of hair! My Mommie wishes her hair was thicker and wavy or curly instead of so straight.

  13. Mom's hair is a lot shorter than that, but she gets lots of gray in it, that she covers up. Usually she is curly, but it is sort of straight now, except when she gets out of class and is all hot and sweaty and then it sort of waves.


  14. Well that's a pretty picture of your mom! She does look like Cousin It.

    Luf, Us

  15. Such a delightfully fun photo of your mommy! She must have a good sense of humor:)
    I must say though that your photo is the one that has me mesmerized:)

  16. That wasn't very nice of your mom to mess up your fur!

  17. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

    My bean have bad air every morning... Muahahaha!
