
Wednesday 11 June 2008

Wordy Wednesday

Mom is really glad to know that there are lots of other Mom's that are scared of spiders!!!

We could have another Tattle Tale Tuesday just watching her reaction to that big spider on the back deck.

When she wanted to go outside she would open the patio door and jump out and look at the house to see where it was. She finally got the squirty bottle and tried to move it off the house. Did she ever screech when it landed on the deck!!!!!! She used the bottle to get it off the deck, but it went under the deck. It's only a matter of time before it comes back!!

In the meantime, Mom found another spider up near the roof!!!!!! This one is about 1/3 the size. Poor Mom, it is going to be a long summer for her. We better go purr on her stressed out nerves! Heeheehee!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mick,
    You should makes sure dats your momee doez not vizit da gardun here.. da momee sez dats da spiderz in da artychokes are az big as mice.
    Of course, dis may haz sumpin' to do wot da fact dat she doez not likes spiderz either.
    I trinks you should bring da gang oevfur here & we can makes some spider pie. It's not too bad wit a itty bitty pinch of salt.

  2. Our Mom came in to say she is not dat scared of spiders 'cept the black widows we get a lot of her (Mom never saw so many black widow spiders until she moved here!).

    But then Mom saw the Wolfy spider and said it was HUGE! So she thinks your Mom is right to be scared of that big ol' spider.

    We has never tasted spiders, cause Mom doesn't want us eating the black widow ones.

  3. My goodness, that wolf spider was very impressive, I see why your mom was afraid! I would have so much fun hunting that!


  4. Our Mommy doesn't mind spiders. Mostly cause there is a cricket named Buddy Holly that lives in our basement. The agreement between him and Mommy is that he can live down there if he eats all the spiders. So far it works!!!

    Now, mention worms to mommy and listen to her squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

  5. Sorry Mickey's Mom, but we tinks the spider is kinda cool... heh heh
    Btw, isit some kind of spider season, like the weather is hot so they wanna get shade indoors??

  6. On the boat there are lots of spiders. Mummy has a spray that kills them. FF daddy says if she sprays it anymore she'll kill all of us lol.

    Simba x

  7. Oh boy is My Mummy ever scared of spiders... ;)

  8. Spiders sure are BIG where you live, Mickey! Creepy!!

  9. Oh my goodness I am still feeling faint over this whole episode! Mommy keeps a can of hair spray close for this kind of purpose. If they get inside, she offers to help them with their hair doo. She does not even charge extra for using the whole can! She also has them help with the Hoovering, they have to try out the suction part first.
    UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHLY I am shivering and shaking!

  10. Lots of spiders at your place! Our mom doesn't mind small spiders, but big ones are scary!

  11. Hey, go see Auntie Bee! She has a spider today, too!

  12. I find eating them gets me extra love and treats.

  13. That sure is scary......for your mom. I would like to play with the other smaller one too!

  14. AHHHHHHHHHHH. Our mommy would not even be able to leave the house. Like we saided yesterday, she would just move out. Especially if she knowed that the spider was not deaded, just missing.
    She would also get a big bottle of spider killer stuff at the big box home store and spray the whole house wif it. She ushually buys 6 or 7 cans of bee spray to spray the whole house wif so that she doesn't walk in to find 1000 bees flying around the living room again.

  15. My human says that was a post she is GLAD she missed yesterday while at work. She probably wouldn't have been able to use the squirt bottle for it but would have insisted the male get the spider....

  16. my mommy is so scared she wouldn't have been able to go out that door until it was gone. she has actually left rooms (and once the house) because of big spiders like that.
    the pictures of you are wonderful!

  17. Momma wood have been hyper ventatlating...and dat wood've been bad ... of course we kitties cood take care of dat wolf spider wif one whap...


  18. Whoo. Watch out for all of those spiders!

    Luf, Us

  19. My mommy screamed when she saw a *moth last night! I'll come and take care of all those spiders for you if you want! ;-)

  20. My beans say they aren't scared of spiders at all BUT in the UK we only have small house spiders, not MASSIVE MONSTERS like that wolf spider. Now I like to whap the odd house spider about for an hour or two, until it's er slightly broken, but I think I'd be running away fast from the spider on your deck *shudders*

  21. Another spider?! Your poor Mommy! But fortunately it's not that huge!

  22. Any spider with a name like "wolf" must be scairty!

  23. Mommy says she has the "heebie-jeebies" just reading about the spiders!

  24. hey mickey!

    you better make up some recipes for spiders. dennis used to eat them, spider tartare.

  25. ps i think dennis has a little crush on georgia...what should he do ?

  26. spiders aren't so bad, they eat other bugs... tell mom not to be scairt!

    smiles, auntie bee

  27. Yea its funny to watch mommy beans to go AROUNDS a spider even if's its a small one. hehe

  28. Mom sympathizes with your mom. SHe would be worried about that spider too. We don't think you should eat it, but we do wish it would go away for your mom's sake.


  29. Tell your mom, not to go outside without the squirty bottle! However, we could come over an eat it. Moe eated a junebug that got in the house.

    Mindy & MOe

  30. Mom don't mind spiders all dat much but dad sucks dem up wif da vacuum monster! He sez "outside, fine. In da house, never"...but even mom sed "holy crap" when she saw da size of dat spider. All da wolf spicers she's ever seen were a quarter size of dat one!
