
Sunday 27 July 2008

Sunday Meme

We were tagged by TT, Molly & Shadow for the
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours, meme.
We thought we would do 3 each :)

1. Anytime Mom coos at Georgia, she runs and jumps up on her table

for scritches or brushes.

2. Georgia drinks her water and licks the rim of the dish.

3. Sometimes, Georgia will snooze in the PTU!

1. If Mom is outside on the back deck,

Mickey screams at her because he wants out.

2. Mickey likes to attack moths that lnd on the screens.

3. Mickey wants to help Mom when she opens something wrapped in plastic.

Tillie (by Zoolatry)

1. When Mom is getting our meals ready,Tillie runs back & forth mewing.

2. Tillie likes to get into the cupboard withthe plastic containers.

3. Tillie likes to sleep on top of the fridge.

We tag any kitty that would like to do this meme.

Just let us know,so we can see your quirks !!


  1. Wonderful pictures! So Georgia likes to lick the rim of her dish and Mickey and Tillie like plastic. Those qualify as quirks, but they are not unspectacular, they are cool!

    Mindy & Moe

  2. He he you all iz furry interesting ~ we especially like Tillie's cute look while waiting for food next to her bowl..

  3. Nice pikturs of you guys ~ Leo and Fairy also like to help out in unwrapping while Snow naps away ~ mainly so that they can convince me to let them have the wrapper for play...

  4. Great graphics! I love your meme answers, too.

  5. Georgia and Mickey,
    I think both of you are very very sticky your mommy and that is very sweet~!
    And Tillie sleeps on the cold box,
    that is neat to me~!
    Because I can't allowed going up there!

  6. Oh what a fun meme...I wonder if I might do it too...I have not been tagged with I have any quirks...hmmmm must ponder this one a bit.
    We are changing the look on our sidebar with photo links to blogs. Mommy is such a visual purrrrson this might help us to visit more friends more often.
    Oh and Lapdaddy promised us a ride on his old car this week too! Where shall we go....
    the tunnel of love? OXOXOXOXOXOXXO

  7. Those are great quirks! Mine are so boring by comparison.

    Huffle Mawson

  8. We love the pictures! Thank you so mucj foor all the purrs and god thoughts for us.

    zevo & nubi

  9. Those are some very quirky quirks and really cool graphics! Gandalf always hollers when he comes inside, until he finds Mom.

  10. Those are really fun things. Helping your mom open plastic things is very good, Mickey. I help too, even when mom doesn't need or want help. ha ha


  11. Fun Meme and great answers.I like to get on the table too yet mom always makes me get off(she's so bossy).

  12. It's good to hear about the little characteristics that make each of you unique. Tillie is such a sweet looking cat, you'd never know she's adventurous at climbing.

  13. We loves the graphic, dids you makes it?

    Thank yous for doing the meme, its always great to learn new stuffs abouts friends.

  14. These are all such wonderful pictures of you! Great quirks too :-)

  15. Hai! Dem are good quirks! i like readin dem. :)

  16. I like that Tillie runs back and forth mewing at dinner. Our Georgia does that too!

  17. Great graphics! You have very interesting quirks. I love "helping" with things wrapped in plastic too, and I love to nap on the top of the fridge too.

  18. Yur graphicks are beeyootiful! I loved readin about yur quirkies. Marilyn does the run back and forth thingie at wet foodies time!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  19. You all have the most excellent quirks! I liked learning more about you!

    Purrrrrrrs, China Cat

  20. Running back and forth mewing while mommies make with the stinky goodness must be a black girl-kitty thing. Persephone does that too! I don't know why, it's not like the OTW ever forgets to feed her too. (though maybe she should sometimes, Persephone's getting awfully squishy! Heeheehee!)


  21. Georgia sleeps in the PTU??!! Oh my! Why do you do that, Georgia??
