
Tuesday 15 July 2008

Tummy and Toes

Georgia likes to sit in the sunlight and think.

She likes to show off her toes too. Here are her back toes.

These are her front toes.

Tillie is showing off her big eyes!!

This is one side of her tummy.

This is another side of her tummy.

I am showing off my fine arms and paws.

Here are my Mancat claws too!!


  1. Is that a little white bit on Tillie's belly? She knows she is cute, doesn't she?!

    At first when I saw you with your paws stretched forward, I was sure I was lookin at a picture of a panther!

    Abby Normal

  2. I love your toes Mickey. Those are great!

  3. I hope Miss Peach doesn't mind me saying that you are one handsome black cat Mickey!

    Huffle Mawson

  4. Wonderful photos! :) Georgia and Mickey, you have fantastic toes, and Tillie, you have an adorable tummy! :)

  5. My, what an awesome display of toes, tummy and Mancat claws!

  6. Oh my beloved Moonshine I just know I could melt away inside of those strong paws of yours...
    The sisters are so lovely and do have wonderful paws and bright eyes. You have two beautiful lady cats there. They should have some nice mancats calling on them...
    Gosh it is hot here, I might have to come for a visit and we can go to the lighthouse for a while and watch the sea gulls...
    till then, your sunshine

  7. Georgia has pawesome toesies! But, oh my, Mickey!! Look at those fiercesome clawrs!!

  8. AHHHH.....Mommy loves tummies and toes!

  9. That's a lovely collection of toesies and tummies.......and furroshus Mancat claws.

  10. look at them cute toses ian i just kis thm and i love the belly belly bu but i dont like the look of the big C Runn your bean wants to sques we hate whe her comes and just put the squesy on us we cant breve

  11. Those Mancat Claws are VERY impressive! And that little tummy VERY cute!

  12. Georgia and Tilly, you two are some of the prettiest womancats ever!

    Happy belated birthday to Mickey. 15 years old - that is really something!

  13. wow! look at those Mancat claws. Rockin awesome dood.

    Tillie, those are soem stunning eyes. Big Amber eyes.

    Georgia, I wonder what you're thinking about. Maybe how cool your toesies are!

  14. That first photo of Georgia is very contemplative, it's a great pose for cats :)

    Tillie does have quite impressive large eyes.

    And those are some pretty serious claws.

  15. Flaunt if if you got it! And you three have loads of cuteness. I especially love Georgia's special toesies.

  16. What a great show off of your best sides! you are all 3 beautiful cats!

  17. Georgia left Shadow speechless. He loves her toes and her floofy belly. hehe

    Tillie may what huge eyes you has.

    Mickey you has some big mancat claws there!

  18. Mickey, you've got wunnerful clawsies! And such adorabble pickshures of you and yur sisurs. You've all got such cute tums and toesies!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  19. What beautiful toes, eyes and claws you all have. Mom is thankful to stay away from those claws, but I am sure you would never hurt anyone with them.
    Super photos.


  20. What precious pictures of all of you! You are all so beautiful -- and such adorable tummies and toes you have!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  21. Great-looking claws! I love all the pictures ...

  22. I am not so much in girlcats...;-) but the staff says Georgia is a beautiful tortie and Tilly has one of the most beautiful eyes in the Cat Blogosphere!!

    I am just looking at you muscled arms and mancat claws, Mickey...


  23. Mickey, you're brave to show off your toenails like that. If I do that, the evil clippers make an appearance!

  24. Wow, dem is some nice feets and tummies! Oh oh, mom just sed something about claws ::ducks under a table:: Oh, neffur mind, she was just saying dat yoo have nice strong claws for being 15...whew, almost thawt we was gonna get a pawdicure!

  25. What cute toes and tummy!!!

  26. Hi sweet Mickey! Your sisters Georgia and Tillie are so, so pretty! I bet you all get along really well. :) You seem like such a gentlemancat, I'm sure you are a great big brother.
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs and Smoochies,
    Lorianna and her 4

  27. Georgia has lots of gorgeous toesies, Tillie has a cute tummy, and you look very mancatly, Mickey. But if I were you, I'd hide those claws. You don't want your Mom getting any idea that they need to be trimmed :-0
