
Saturday 28 March 2009

Photo Hunt - HANDS

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : HANDS

This is a hard Photo Hunt.

That is because we do not have HANDS!!!

Mom has HANDS.

Tillie is checking Mom's HANDS for treats!

The closest to HANDS would be Georgia.

Her paws look like they have thumbs!

Who me?

Yes,you Georgia!!

Georgia has extra toes.

Now all we need to do is get her to open the treat bag!!!!!!

Today, we are remembering our brother Moxie.

He is at the Rainbow Bridge.

We miss him.


  1. Georgia! You got "hands" like me!!


    pee ess. Moxie was a beautiful house panther!!!

  2. You got beautifullllllll TOES, mutch softer like hands :))
    purrssss =^.^=

  3. Awww Georgia has neat paws, and it does look like she has thumbs. Great photo hunt.

  4. If Georgia has extra toes then she should be in charge of getting the treats out of the cupboard :)

    Huffle Mawson

  5. Haha.. I was having problems with hands too... too may paws around the house :P

  6. Oh my beloved what a nice picture of your brother Moxie. A handsome panther was he...
    Mommy says that all I do anymore is sleep...I do not come to sit in her lap or go to bed with her at night like I used to do. Even if she picks me up with her 'HANDS', I jump right off. I keep telling her that I have lots of things to think over right now....
    I hope winter has left and will not come back...he needs to make room for spring time!
    All my love, your sunshine

  7. You would look funny if you did have hands!

    We are sending warm purrs and hugs to you and your mum.

  8. That is a beautiful photo of Moxie, and we know you must miss him. Sending big purrs to all of you.

    P.S. Tasha says to say that she also has one mostly tortie front paw and one mostly black front paw, but she doesn't have thumbs. She's very impressed with Georgia's paws.

  9. You all have very adorable hands indeed~!!
    And your brother Moxie is very cute, too. I am sure he was a wonderful cat!

  10. We didn't know that Georgia was polydactyl :)

    We know you miss your brother Moxie. He was a very handsome cat.

  11. Georgia, they do look like little furry hands! Neat-o!

  12. Even when one is no longer with you, you never forget your family. Moxie was a handsome fellow and he looks very loving :-)
