
Thursday 16 July 2009

Halifax Harbourwalk

Today, Mom is going to show you a bit of the
Halifax Harbourwalk. It skirts the harbour and there is lots to see.
It got a fix up too,in preparation of the Tall Ships coming.
Mom got me some grass, so I must go eat it now.

This is a map showing the boardwalk.
Mom started at the Ferry Terminal(arrow)
and this tour ends at the Seaport(arrow)
where cruise ships dock.

A view near the Ferry Terminal.

A new dock, ready for ships to tie up while in port.

Hmmmmmmmm, human litter boxes!
They must be expecting a lot of beans.

Lots of entertainment along the way.

Another newly constructed part of the Harbourwalk.

They are expecting little sticky people too!!

Lots of homes and places to eat.
See, beans like to eat as much as we do!

Gee!! I am glad I am not near that water!

There are nice places to sit and relax.

More litter boxes!!!
Look at that building they are taking down.

Mom said they used to show movies on one of the walls.
It was painted white.

Look!! Tall Ships !!!!!
The ship closest to the wharf is the "Belle- Poule" and
next to is it is it's sister the "Étoile"
They are from France.

This is the end of this tour.
Sometime,we will show the Seaport,
where the cruise ships dock.


  1. Wow! You got cat grass! You are one lucky cat. And what a fantastic tour. The Woman would love to walk along that walk.

  2. Wowww...human toys, human litter boxes....
    Thanks Mickey,
    you show me lots of things!!!!
    That place looks like a good travel spot to go!

  3. Mum says she has been to Canada but she was at the other end. Your end is very nice.

    Huffle Mawson

  4. What a lovely spot! It must have been a great walk:)

    Enjoy your grass, Mickey:)

  5. Hello my love...please be kind to your mommy. SHe did not mean to neglect your bloggy. SOmetimes these things just happen to the beans and they have to tend to things we know little about. It is amazing to see all the wonderful sights in your town! We always love the water. Do not be afriad as I will hold your paws very tightly. We are getting married by the water...that is where lighthouses usually are.
    Guess what happened to me last evening? I had to get a bath...I was not even dirty or anything like that. Mommy just said it was time for now I am all peachy keen clean:)
    All my love until we visit again...your sunshine xoxoxoxo

  6. sticky people! oh my gosh, can i come play on that?!


  7. That is a great tour. Thank your mom very much. Those are great phtos, too. We were worried about you when you did not post. Glad everything is okay.

    Roxy & Lucky

  8. Thanks for the tour, Mickey's mom! Our Mommy says that looks really neat, she wishes she could come up there and see it (plus it's probably a lot cooler than Texas right now, too!).

    At least you got some grass before she ditched you for the Tall Ships and water...

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  9. That looks like a real fun place to stroll and look around! And I'll bet those homes are nice, too.

    Enjoy your grass, Mickey!

  10. Wow!!
    So many beautiful shots,
    I need a vacation I think ;)

  11. Very nice photos! I still think you should get to go there, Mickey. It looks like there are plenty of things to do and play with. And fishies, too!

  12. what great shots! and wonderful close ups!
