
Wednesday 22 July 2009

Wordy Wednesday

It's Hump Day!! That means something to many beans!
To us,it's just another day in paradise,heehee
I am looking at Mom early in the morning.
She is bringing my breakfast.

Georgia is on he lookout for that BIG spider I think!!!!
If you see it ,Georgia,don't tell Mom!!!!

Tillie is just soaking up the sun!

In June,our friend Luna's person was in Japan for a short visit.
While there,he visited the Gotoku-ji Temple and saw many 'cats'
known as maneki nekos.
Mom saw a Japanese restaurant and this is the window
on the street.

This is a cute cat. It has spots, so it must be a boy.
I think he is a left pawed kitty,hehee


  1. This Japanese restaurant is very lovely,that cat is for the store "welcome the guest and business" for luck~
    Almost every Japanese store has one at least~

    You look great today, Mickey :)

  2. Oh look at all of you! You are so handsome today!

  3. Everyone is looking cute today!

  4. Adan said it purrrrfectly about the maneki nekos.
    Good luck is what you and I both have because we found each other.
    I have missed you my beloved. Mommy has been so hot and we are tired of being hot because our brains do not work very good from overheating. I would rather we were overeating but Buddy does enough of that along with all the other intruders in my garden. I know I need to share more like a good lady...but sometimes they come too close and I just lose it. Then they run away like your mommies spider...
    I know our union will be blessed and I hope Adan recovers from his pains soon...he is your best man after all.
    All my love, your sunshine XOXOXOX
    PS: which tall ship shall we sail away with to our honeymoon in Scotland?

  5. Nothing like breakfast in bed!

  6. Ha! Maggie May gets breakfast in bed too, Mickey!

  7. These are really great photos today! And our mom has that same Maneki Neko! It's old - she got it when she was a human kitten :). We have it in our living room for good luck.

  8. My mum wouldn't let me comment on your last past because she couldn't bear to look at the spider pictures. She is hopeless.

    Huffle Mawson

  9. Very nice pictures of you three pretty kitties today. We hope Georgia stays on spider patrol in order to keep your mom safe. In between naps and eating, of course. ;)

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  10. Happy hump day to you all! It sure means something to my mom, but not as much as TGIF!

  11. The left-pawed maneki neko is for lots of customers. The right-pawed ones are for prosperity/money. Although one would think that more customers means more money...

    And thanks for the shout-out about the trip to Japan. :)

    We got several maneki nekos and other ceramic cats from Japan and China, including some black ones!

  12. How interesting ! We dun get breakfast in bed, we'd rather just sleep in. MOL

    Georgia yoo is lookin furry bootiful in the sunspots there. ~ Shadow

    Tillie, is yoo lookin fer dat scary spider too?

  13. Did you say sssssspiderrrrr? YIKES!

  14. You all look good today! Maybe you could send your spider to us. Mom loves spiders and is always trying to keep us from hurting them. She is the one everyone at her work place calls when they need a bug removed from an office.

    prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
    Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

  15. Our human staff saw maneki nekos at a Chinese restaurant, and they don't understand why...

    Georgia, from the looks of that photo, we'd say you're locked in on a spider, or some other prey!

  16. Mickey, that's quite the look you're giving your mom! You should get extra food with that one!

  17. Hi sweet Mickey! You are such a handsome mancat. I would give you lots of treats just because you look so sweet!
    I like those good luck kitties. They are cute. Georgia's colors are prettier though.
    Sending you and your sister's lots of hugs!
