
Monday 17 August 2009

Mancat Monday

Welcome to Mancat Monday.

Once again, I am allowing Mom to amuse

herself with her graphics program.

It's easy to do as it does not require me to be present!!

I get to snooze and she gets to play!

Could it get any better?


  1. look at your beautiful face u handsome man cat

  2. I wish I could convince my mum to use her graphics programs (yes, she has more than one, she's such a nerd) instead of taking photos of me all the time!

    Huffle Mawson

  3. Oh my beloved Mickey Moonshine...did you think I would swoon over this art work? Well I is so fun playing around with programs that change the pictures. But how can you improve upon purrrrrfection? You are perfect for me my love...I am dreaming of an autumn you dream about that too?
    I have my shoes and dress picked out! I still need to finalize the menu items...can you ad any of your favorites to the list?
    All my love...your sunshine XOXOXOX

  4. Oh those are such handsome photos of you!

  5. Awwwww *giggggles* Mickey, youa re sooo cute. Your mom loves you <3

    purrrs for a happy day sweetguy

  6. It is wonderful that your person has such a gorgeous subject to start out with.

  7. You look so handsome in these graphics, Mickey! And we like it when mom does the graphics program instead of photos too :)

  8. Very handsome. Have a great mancat Monday!

  9. Sounds like a good compromise - Mickey gets to rest and everyone gets to see more pictures.

  10. Happy Mancat Monday! We think it's cool that your mom can play with your pictures while you snooze! I just get disturbed all the time...sigh.

  11. Oh yes, dat works out purrfectly, yoo nap she works! Win win we fink!!

    Georgia yer Friday close up madedid me drool. The mom was not too happy bout dat on her keyboard.

    cheek rubs ~ Shadow

  12. Mickey, it's nice of you to let your mom play with the pictures -- with you for her subject, she can't go wrong! Those photos of you, as graphically tarted-up by your mom (MOL!), are just great.

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  13. Your Mom did a great job! You're still as handsome as ever!

  14. I love all of your mancat photos!

  15. Mickey, Georgia, Tillie! I'm so sorry I haven't visited lately, it's not coz I don't still love you all, coz I do! I love your Mom's graphics doings too! I have been busy coz I've been 'dopted by Alfie and Simba. They're cute, come and meet them if you're not too cross with me! :)xxx
